Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Technical Difficulties
I'm telling you, lost it's mind! I logged off Internet Explorer and tried again to open AOL. As soon as I clicked the icon, up it pops. Seems to be working just fine now.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Baby, It's Cold Outside

Thursday, February 16, 2006
A Time To Vent
Did you know.....
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!

Just as the snow began to fall around 1:30 pm!

Before shot, looking down my street.
Two hours later. Isn't is BEAUTIFUL!

I know, I know. It's just snow. But, here in Memphis, it is a big deal. IF we get snow, it is usually coupled with more ice than anything.
unfortunately, I had to go to work just as it begun. Fortunately, there is a fairly large window to look out. And, thankfully, when I got off work that night, the roads were not bad. I did measure the snow on my car when I got home. There was 3 inches of snow on the roof of my car, even after driving home! It was an exciting day though. I'm just like a kid when it comes to snow. I just didn't get to play in it this time because I also had to go to work the next morning. Walgreens doesn't give snow days!
It is Sunday night and there is still ruminants of snow on the ground. I love it! I just wish it didn't have to be so darn cold!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Just Had to Show Somebody

Happy Valentine's Day to me, a little early! I am beginning to get a little corny. Just bear with me. My dad brought this by to me in a little Valentine bag. I am loving these! Aren't they cute? My stepmom is great! I guess I'll have to cook something with them. I have a heart-shape cookie pan to make a giant chocolate chip cookie. I think I'll dig it out.
I am also starting to really enjoy this blogging business. I also beginning to see the advantages of having a digital camera. I never wanted one until I lost my other camera in the move. I figured it was a sign to move into the 21st century and get a digital camera. Who knows what I'll take a picture of next!
I tend to be a chatterbox in person and I may start being a chatterbox in bloggerland! I need to slow down before I run out of things to say.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Today's horoscope
You might know exactly what you want, but someone close to you still believes that you are undecided. This is because it could be difficult for you to clearly explain your point of view. The easier way out is to simply keep it all to yourself. On the other hand, disclosure increases the possibility for you to get what you want.
You have the ability now to absorb data from your environment as if you were lying on a beach and soaking in the sunshine. Overt action is not needed; instead, make use of your intuitive abilities. Have faith that your instincts are leading you in the right direction. If you are unsure, trust that feeling too; it may be best to wait until you are more certain about what you want to do.
One day I am unsure of what I want and the next I know exactly? Just like me to be indecisive. Hmmm....very interesting.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Leeps and Bounds
The doc told me she was a little conservative in removing the tissue, didn't go too deep to ensure no problems with my cervix whenever I get pregnant. I learned that these cells were at Stage 2, which is a little high risk for developing into cancer. Though she did say she didn't believe they were even pre-cancerous yet, but she wanted to be safe. I was able to finally exhale and relax. I go back in 4 months for a check-up, and I should hear about the results in about a week. For those that gave kind, encouraging words, thank you. I really had nothing to worry about, but I worry. That's just who I am.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A Short Story

I know, not very horrible. But it is for JJ! He couldn't see the back of his head so I did have that messy.

YAY!! I can do this picture thing. I am going to try to do more with pictures.
That morning when they arrived, of course I had just crawled out of bed (it was 6:30 am, not my time of day), Marshia thought she would be funny and tell me that I could go to school for Horrible, Horrendous Hair Day! Kids can be so honest sometimes. Gotta love 'em. There may be more posts of my 'babies' as I call them. They are a big part of my life!
This is him on Grandparents day!
What Superbowl?
****Help!! As I was reading my post I leaned against my keyboard, and now every website I bring up is in GIANT letters. How do I change it back?*****
Nevermind, I kept leaning on it and messing with the mouse. It is back to normal now.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
So, off to bed I go only to wake up tired cuz I have to work, and I stayed up too late. The story of my life.