The Diary of Mrs. S

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Need to Vent

Ok, tomorrow I am going to put my foot down and almost give an ultimatum to my pharmacy manager. I don't know if I'm just weak or what, but I haven't exactly have an easy pregnancy. I was sick for the first 5 1/2 months, had about one good month, and now I'm just plain tired and my back hurts alot. I work on my feet. There are no stools or chairs in the pharmacy, not that I would have time to sit down anyway.
I still took classes this semester, though I shouldn't have. It has proved to be too much. I had cut my hours at work to 3 days a week, then slowly my manager would ask me to work an extra day. Now, this week I am working five days, and next week she has me scheduled five days. Y'all, I just can't do it. I physically can barely walk by the end of my shifts. I'm usually good for about 4-5 hours, but after that, my back is killing me and I start feeling bad. There's a few of you that know how hard of a worker I am, and I don't get any help from my fellow technicians. Am I just a pu$$y and need to suck it up, or am I in the right by requesting less hours? I just don't want to stress me or my body out too much.
The ultimatum....either take me off at least one day next week or I'll just go ahead and take my leave now. It's an issue right now because one of the other technicians is going on leave starting next Thursday for some surgery that all of the sudden she decided to have (coincidentally as I will take my leave soon too........hmmm, you decide) and another technician requested off the entire week next week to study for finals. But, if I had asked off, I probably would have been told no. Why, because that place will be chaotic without me. I'm not cocky about that, it's the truth. Ask What The Hell. My customers are even asking me what they are going to do without me. I have a very strong work ethic. I put my customers before any chit chat. My fellow technicians don't seem to acknowledge my hard-working ass! Whoa, sorry. That was vicious. I could go on for days. I really do enjoy my job. But a lot of the times, my fellow employees make it difficult for me.
Okay, I feel better now. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Do you ever catch yourself doing or thinking like your parents? Come one. I know you have. Even though I said I never would, there are some things I laugh about when I do them. For example, whenever I leave a room, I must turn off the light. Poor Mr. S, if he is behind me, off goes the light before he can even make it out. If he walks into the living room and leaves the kitchen light on, he is barely on the couch before I get up and turn it off. It isn't because we can't afford the utility bill, it's just that it's wasteful. My parents used to get on to us for having every light in the house on.

Another thing, I have to use an ice cream scoop to get ice cream. (I've got Mr. S trained now, too.) When I was a kid, my siblings and I would just grab a regular spoon and scoop away, bending the spoon half the time. It used to irritate my dad. Now, I'll be damn if I have a bent spoon over some ice cream.

Was anyone else not ever allowed to eat just chips? My dad would always make us eat a sandwich if we wanted chips. It's still hard for me to eat just chips, but I have overcome and will eat stray Cheetos now and again.

Oh, if Mr. S and I have fishsticks (I know, sounds gross) for dinner, I must have macaroni and cheese with it cause that is what my dad always fixed with fishsticks. Also, my peanut butter and jelly has to be mixed together in a cup, in the right proportions to taste, before putting it on bread. That's how my grandmother did it for my grandfather and her grandkids. I don't like it any other way, and I plan on fixing it that way for Baby S. Mr. S thinks it's disgusting. I say it's much easier to eat because the jelly doesen't drip out. He says that's what is fun about PB&J.

One last thing I can think of right now is christmas ornaments. My mom always bought us kids our own Christmas ornament every year. Now, I have all mine and my siblings have theirs. It's so neat to see ornaments from when we were babies. I continue that traditon and buy Mr. S and I one every year. I have even bought Baby S one this year with her name on it. One day I'll be able to tell her I bought it before she was even born. I hope to pass this tradition to her and any other children I may have.

Anybody else have any quirks they reluctantly, or maybe not reluctantly, inherited from their folks?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Read at Your Own Risk

Today is a yucky day outside. No sun, a light drizzle now and then. Not cold, not warm. Just plain icky.
Not good for one's mood. Which mine is pretty crappy today.

I'm tired.
I'm tired of school.
I hate my classes.
I don't want to go to work. ( I normally don't mind that)
I just want to curl up and go to sleep.
Oh, the cold...still fighting it. The weather today isn't helping in that area either.

Happy Tuesday. It sucks.

Sorry for the foul mood. I don't do tired very well.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Weekend Wrap

Mr. S and I didn't have a very exciting weekend. Nothing like Blue Angel. We were both feeling pretty crappy. Both battling some sort of cold bug. Mr. S seemed to have had it worse. I'm fighting it, and hopefully winning.
It is getting increasingly more difficult to get dressed in the mornings. Mostly it's hard putting on panties (my balance isn't so good when I raise one leg up!), socks, and shoes. I absolutely cannot lay down after I eat anymore. Oh, the heartburn is horrible!! I have never experienced heartburn or reflux or anything before, so it's new to me. And, I could stand to live without it.

I mentioned last post that I hadn't done much in preparation for Baby S. Well, her clothes, sheets, blankets, etc. have been washed. Her room organized and curtains hung. I haven't settled on the arrangement of the furniture though. I need some other opinions.
It was fun washing her little clothes. Mr. S. especially liked her itty bitty socks. We didn't lose any in the wash this time. Though any time we would open the dryer, tiny socks would fly out. And everything is pink!

Since Mr. S hadn't slept much this weekend, he slept in today. While he was sleeping, I baked him a pecan pie. Aren't I a great little wifey.

I think I may have to have a piece of that pie now.....

OH, and y'all. I saw a Red Ryder BB Gun this weekend at that Bass store....heck what's the name of that store. You know, the redneck something about Bass store. Crap, anyway, I saw the infamous BB gun. It even had a warning about injury to the eye! Good thing we are having a girl. I think Mr. S would have bought one.
Bass Pro Shops, that's it.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I Slipped

Well, crap. I missed a day. Actually, I felt like crap on Saturday. I had a headache all day. I didn't even enjoy the few places Mr. S and I went shopping. I love shopping. I woke up this morning knowing why I had a headache, now my throat is sore. Lovely.

Have I mentioned how terrific my sister looks just two and a half weeks after having her baby. Wow, she looks great! Gives me hope that I will have the same luck.

Speaking of....I officially have less than nine weeks left. Nine weeks, people. My sister is so excited about the babies meeting. I know, they won't really understand, but it's fun for us. I feel like there is so much left for me to do. Her room isn't completely ready yet. Everything is in there, I just don't have it straight. I don't have everything I need. I do have two carseats! I need to wash her clothes, blankets, etc. Yikes, can time just stand still for awhile. I planned on tackling her room yesterday, but that was a lost cause since I wasn't feeling well.

Mr. S and I often talk about what kind of personality Baby S will have, what color hair she will have, etc. I also often tease him about how much of a chatterbox she may be, that is if she takes after me in that area. He just laughs, because he knows what I mean. I can talk Mr. S's ears off...ninety to nothing. He told me last night, he hopes she is alot like me. Well, I hope she's alot like Mr. S. Actually, I hope she's a perfect blend of us both. We'll just have to wait and see. And we are both excited to find out!

Friday, November 24, 2006

I don't feel real well today and I'm tired, so I'll just leave you with this picture of an eyes open Eva!

She was so sweet to hold and snuggle with on Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

What I am thankful for

  • My wonderful husband who I can't wait to see become a father.
  • In a couple of months, we will get to meet our little baby girl.
  • My quite large, very branched family who came about through divorce, but are indifferent to the DNA.
  • My close relationship with my sister and my mom, though not always growing up.
  • Chrissy and her mom.....and her family for welcoming me into their lives.
  • All my family, blood, step, and in-laws, being able to peacefully coexist and mingle happily at family functions.
  • My niece and nephew for showing unconditional love to their family, including their mom and dad who do not even have custody of them.
  • Knowing I can call my mom in the middle of the night if I need to.

Okay, now for the not so serious stuff...

  • That Mr. S and I paid off my car two years early. Now, she's mine, all mine.
  • That our dog makes us laugh all the time.
  • I can make pecan pie. The Karo syrup bottle has a great recipe!
  • My nice, comfortable bed and the time I get to spend in it.
  • Lotion and warm baths and candles and my space heater I keep in the bathroom

I haven't been up long enough to do serious thinking. All I can think about is getting together later with the family and enjoying some turkey and pie.

Hope everyone had a great day!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mmmmm.....can you smell it. That's one good looking pecan pie! Guess what, there's another one just like it.

I even prepared them while I was on the phone with Blue Angel. Talk about multi-tasking.

That's about all I have time for today. Blue and I actually got to talk on the phone for like two hours. She was lucky I was already awake at 9:30 am when she called. LOL. We don't get to talk much. It was nice.

I have to work today. It's been a madhouse. People always seem to panic when there is a holiday. "Oh, no.....I'm completely out of my meds and I leave for a flight in 10 minutes, what do you mean it will take two hours to fill?"

Thought for the day: Please don't wait until the very last minute to get your prescriptons filled. Especially when you have been out for two days and all of the sudden you're going out of town and need them NOW.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I made it. Go ahead, scroll down and look at the time. It is still today. I had to watch Nip/Tuck once I got home from work. I love DVR.

Speaking of DVR, can you believe Mr. S and I still used a VCR to record things until about two months ago. We finally broke down and upgraded our DirectTV to include DVR. It is awesome. Except, we still haven't gotten used to the remote control. Check it out.

The remote on the left is for the DVR in our living room. The other remote is the original remote, which we still use for the bedroom. I can work it in the dark. The silver one, we still have to search for the "guide" button.

Okay, I am blogging about remote controls. That's pretty lame.

Continuing on, tommorrow I will be baking a couple of pecan pies. Yummy! Stefanie, they are really easy......and I am not a baker.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of Turkey and pies.

I guess I have to do a "Thankful" type post for Thursday. It's no holiday in bloggerland, right. I'm commited. I have to stick to it.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Watch Out for Flying Bullets

I have been impressed with Stefanie's goal of posting everyday. I am going to try it. Because, even if she didn't have an eventful day, she still wrote something. And you know what, I enjoyed each and every post. So, bravo to Stefanie.

I'm going to start off easy and do a bullet post. I haven't done one yet, so why not give it a try. Here are my random thoughts of the day.

  • Went to the doc today. Everything is still looking good. I'm up 20 pounds for the pregnancy at just over 30 weeks. Baby is kicking alot!! Sometimes it looks like she is going to come right out the side of me. I love feeling her move. I can see how I will miss that. Oh, and the glucose test came back fine from a couple of weeks ago. Yay!
  • Stef was right, no stretch marks so far. My sister didn't have any either. From what I learned in Anatomy and Physiology, stretch marks (as well as varicose veins) are due mostly to genes, meaning they are mainly hereditary. Since my mom had 4 kids and no stretch marks, I'm hoping I will be that lucky....except I ain't havin' no 4 kids!
  • I interviewed a pediatrician today. I really liked her. She is in practice for herself with one Nurse Practioner. I really liked the small, personal atmosphere. I'm positive she is who I want Baby Girl to grow up with. The free stroller she gave me didn't hurt either.
  • My back is starting to hurt more often now. Hrmf!
  • Holy crap, Thanksgiving is Thursday.....this Thursday. Does that seem unreal to anyone else? Good thing I can make Pecan Pie!! Yummy.
  • The high on Thanksgiving is supposed to be around 70 degrees. How awesome is that. I hate cold weather.
  • I am totally dreading the Biochemistry test tomorrow. I honestly don't know if I am going to pass this class. I have to make darn good grades on the last two tests to even get a C. A freaking C.
  • Some days I totally want to rethink my career and I feel 100% guilty and unsure about that. Some days, I just don't know anything.
  • I do know I have a great husband who did exactly what I asked of him this weekend. I asked him to make me study some both Saturday and Sunday, no matter how mad or irritated I got. I did surprisingly well. I didn't get mad at him at all. He told me to go study, and I studied.
  • Did I mention I hate, I mean despise Biochemistry?

See ya tomorrow!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cue Sir MixALot

OMG, Becky, Look at her Belly! Here's my (almost) 30 week shot.

I promise I will post something meaningful soon. I have been very tired lately. I have a lot on my mind that I want to get out. In the meantime, have a nice laugh at the bellybutton!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Aunt for the Third Time!!

Meet the newest member of my family. My beautiful niece, Eva Hope!!

She is perfect weighing in at 6lbs 14 oz, 20 in. She was born Nov. 7, 2007 via c-section. Both mom and baby are doing well! I can't wait to see Eva and Ryan together.

Like Mr. S said "Ryan, you still have a couple months of cooking left."

But, she's got a gorgeous cousing waiting for her!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wanna Play A Game?

Let's play "Guess all the places Mrs. S has tossed her cookies while being pregnant". You don't really have to guess, but I will tell you where. Of course, there's home. Oh, how personal I got with my toilets at home. I owe them big time for making me feel so welcome. Then, there is Fudpuckers in Destin, FL. I really tried hard to avoid meeting that toilet, but it was the day we had driven down, so being on the road all day was rough. Thank you Blue for getting me the free coke! Then, there was The Crab Trap in Destin. That was the last night we were there. I guess holding it in all week finally backfired. Hrmf! Though, those experiences made me indifferent to where I was if that "feeling" came over me again. And it the public bathroom. Yuck, but you do what you gotta do, right? Then, my sister had just moved into her house that day, and I got up close and personal with her toilet. So, where am I going with this? Now, I can add the doctor's office to my list.
Today was my glucose test for gestational diabetes. Mr. S was sweet enough to fix me eggs and bacon for breakfast. I drank my "yummy" orange glucola on the way to my appointment. I got it down with no problem. I even felt okay after I drank it. My doctor did her thing (oh, I gained 6 pounds in three weeks, Oops! Actually, doc was fine with that) and sent me to wait until the hour had passed from me finishing my drink.
I did it! I hit the one hour mark......barely. I spewed at the one hour mark, but I had the drink in me for one hour. I was terrified of having to start over with the whole process. Thank heavens I did not!! The doc said it had been in my system long enough and to go ahead and draw the blood.
So, that was followed by the RhoGam shot, which actually wasn't bad. Nothing like a shot in the ass to round out the morning!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I've never done this whole pregnancy thing. It's been rough on me a lot of the time. I cut my hours at work. I lay around when I can. I have a book that tells me week be week how the baby is developing and information about me. I read baby magazines. I try not to stress about things or overexert myself.
Well, I woke up Monday morning with a backache. I really just couldn't get comfortable no matter what. I usually don't work Mondays, but this Monday, I was asked to cover a shift from 3-9 pm. I knew it was going to be rough for two reasons: it was Monday and people tend to flock to the doctor's then the pharmacy on Mondays, and my back was hurting. By the end of my shift, on my feet the whole time (because I was too stubborn to sit down.....not that there was time to) I was in major pain. Not only my back but I was a little crampy in my lower stomach area. I could barely walk.
So, I get in my car and call my mom, of course. She sounded a little concerned about me and put my stepdad on the phone (he's a paramedic). He told me to call my doctor and let her know how I was feeling. That was not what I wanted to do because I have never in my life called a doctor's emergency line. But, both my mom and stepdad insisted. Plus, I knew when I got home, that Mr. S would insist the same.
I call. I leave my message with the answering service. (this was about 9:30 pm) A nurse immediately returned my call.

Nurse Amanda: I'm returning an emergency call.
Me: yada yada yada...I tell her how I am feeling
Nurse Amanda: (with attitude) Well, did you call during office hours?
Me: No, I wasn't hurting that badly earlier.
Nurse Amanda: Well, take some Tylenol, it's on your list of approved medications, get off your feet. If it gets worse, don't even call back, just go to the hospital.

***I've already checked with SillyHily. This was NOT her sister who is also a nurse at my doctor's office

Now, that doesn't sound too bad maybe, but I was in tears wanting reassurance that everything was fine. Not a lecture about calling during office hours and taking Tylenol. There was no empathy, no concern in her voice. Just that I had irritated her.
Luckily, Mr. S had taken off that night so he could play golf ALL DAY LONG (36 holes). So, he was home to settle me and take care of me. He wouldn't let me get up for anything. Good thing I didn't have to pee.
Has anyone else had any experience with the on-call people at doctor's offices? Was I out of line for calling?