Do you ever catch yourself doing or thinking like your parents? Come one. I know you have. Even though I said I never would, there are some things I laugh about when I do them. For example, whenever I leave a room, I must turn off the light. Poor Mr. S, if he is behind me, off goes the light before he can even make it out. If he walks into the living room and leaves the kitchen light on, he is barely on the couch before I get up and turn it off. It isn't because we can't afford the utility bill, it's just that it's wasteful. My parents used to get on to us for having every light in the house on.
Another thing, I have to use an ice cream scoop to get ice cream. (I've got Mr. S trained now, too.) When I was a kid, my siblings and I would just grab a regular spoon and scoop away, bending the spoon half the time. It used to irritate my dad. Now, I'll be damn if I have a bent spoon over some ice cream.
Was anyone else not ever allowed to eat just chips? My dad would always make us eat a sandwich if we wanted chips. It's still hard for me to eat just chips, but I have overcome and will eat stray Cheetos now and again.
Oh, if Mr. S and I have fishsticks (I know, sounds gross) for dinner, I must have macaroni and cheese with it cause that is what my dad always fixed with fishsticks. Also, my peanut butter and jelly has to be mixed together in a cup, in the right proportions to taste, before putting it on bread. That's how my grandmother did it for my grandfather and her grandkids. I don't like it any other way, and I plan on fixing it that way for Baby S. Mr. S thinks it's disgusting. I say it's much easier to eat because the jelly doesen't drip out. He says that's what is fun about PB&J.
One last thing I can think of right now is christmas ornaments. My mom always bought us kids our own Christmas ornament every year. Now, I have all mine and my siblings have theirs. It's so neat to see ornaments from when we were babies. I continue that traditon and buy Mr. S and I one every year. I have even bought Baby S one this year with her name on it. One day I'll be able to tell her I bought it before she was even born. I hope to pass this tradition to her and any other children I may have.
Anybody else have any quirks they reluctantly, or maybe not reluctantly, inherited from their folks?
Another thing, I have to use an ice cream scoop to get ice cream. (I've got Mr. S trained now, too.) When I was a kid, my siblings and I would just grab a regular spoon and scoop away, bending the spoon half the time. It used to irritate my dad. Now, I'll be damn if I have a bent spoon over some ice cream.
Was anyone else not ever allowed to eat just chips? My dad would always make us eat a sandwich if we wanted chips. It's still hard for me to eat just chips, but I have overcome and will eat stray Cheetos now and again.
Oh, if Mr. S and I have fishsticks (I know, sounds gross) for dinner, I must have macaroni and cheese with it cause that is what my dad always fixed with fishsticks. Also, my peanut butter and jelly has to be mixed together in a cup, in the right proportions to taste, before putting it on bread. That's how my grandmother did it for my grandfather and her grandkids. I don't like it any other way, and I plan on fixing it that way for Baby S. Mr. S thinks it's disgusting. I say it's much easier to eat because the jelly doesen't drip out. He says that's what is fun about PB&J.
One last thing I can think of right now is christmas ornaments. My mom always bought us kids our own Christmas ornament every year. Now, I have all mine and my siblings have theirs. It's so neat to see ornaments from when we were babies. I continue that traditon and buy Mr. S and I one every year. I have even bought Baby S one this year with her name on it. One day I'll be able to tell her I bought it before she was even born. I hope to pass this tradition to her and any other children I may have.
Anybody else have any quirks they reluctantly, or maybe not reluctantly, inherited from their folks?
LMAO! Ok, so, Kaylie and I had fishsticks for dinner last night and guess what we had with them? Right, macaroni and cheese!!!!! Nothin else goes with them.
Anonymous, At
10:41 AM
HaHaHaHaHa! I have the same habit with PB&J. How do other people even SPREAD jelly? It's impossible and you end up with thick clumps! Andy thinks it's really gross, too, as though, mixing it makes it into toxic waste with poo. he refuses to eat them mixed and will make his own.
As for other habits that I inherited from the 'rents. There's quite a few, mostly from my dad. The way I drive (with my left leg propped against the door), to my personality, I see him in me everyday. Even my husband notices :o)
It's Kimpossible!, At
12:08 PM
Just wait until you have that baby. I promise you, you will do things you swore you never would. You will say things that used to piss the hell out of you when they would come out of your parent's mouths. It's sickening. But, it happens to the best of us.
And mac and cheese MUST be on the same plate as fish sticks (and chicken nuggets for that matter).
Anonymous, At
4:45 PM
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