The Diary of Mrs. S

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tuesday's Question

"When do we really reach adulthood? No matter what age you are right now...write about what you want to be when you grow up."

This is such a hard question. Most days I don't feel like I am a grown up. By that, I mean, I don't comprehend that I am 27 years old. I've been married for over six years and, I just recently added a baby to the mix. That should make anyone feel like an adult. It's funny this question was asked. I attended a wedding reception of an old coworker Saturday evening. While at work Sunday, my pharmacy manager and I were talking about it. I told her that the bride came over and talked to me for a really long time. I said it was probably because I was one of the few younger people there. Everybody else were adults and older people. Like I forgot I was an adult. I don't know.
I think I am beginning to realize adulthood as I hear about and experience the trials and tribulations that come with growing up. Such as, health issues, mortgages, and caring for my own baby. I often catch myself fearing the loss of my parents. I know the older I get, the older they get, and that scares me. This are just about perfect right now for me. I wish I could just freeze time.

When I grow up, I want to be a successful career woman. I love, love, love staying home and being with my baby girl, but I want to make her proud of me. I want her to see me as successful and know that she has options when she is an adult. (Wait, I don't want her to grow up!) My ultimate goal (as it has been since I was about 6 years old) is to be a pharmacist. I have been accepted to University of Tennessee (at Memphis) College of Pharmacy. I just have to persevere through the rest of the pre-requisite coursework. I don't really have a plan B. Maybe somehow use the Bachelor's degree I already have in Psychology. Who knows?

Tune in for tomorrow for Wednesday's question!


  • Excellent post :) Wish I had a set plan for what I want to be when I get big. Baby S will certainly have two great role models as she grows!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:19 AM  

  • wow I learned alot about you in that post!!!! Love the question of the day, it's a neat idea, you can lean alot about a person.
    Freezing time I love it!! Great idea, I know I would freeze it too. Keep the twins home, keep my two granddaughters the age they are at now and keep my mama here too!! yeah I have to agree, freezing time is an awesome idea.
    In case you don't have me on your list, it's The House of Mis-Fits.hint hing hahaha

    By Blogger Sherry, At 11:48 AM  

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