Tuesday's Question
"When do we really reach adulthood? No matter what age you are right now...write about what you want to be when you grow up."
This is such a hard question. Most days I don't feel like I am a grown up. By that, I mean, I don't comprehend that I am 27 years old. I've been married for over six years and, I just recently added a baby to the mix. That should make anyone feel like an adult. It's funny this question was asked. I attended a wedding reception of an old coworker Saturday evening. While at work Sunday, my pharmacy manager and I were talking about it. I told her that the bride came over and talked to me for a really long time. I said it was probably because I was one of the few younger people there. Everybody else were adults and older people. Like I forgot I was an adult. I don't know.
I think I am beginning to realize adulthood as I hear about and experience the trials and tribulations that come with growing up. Such as, health issues, mortgages, and caring for my own baby. I often catch myself fearing the loss of my parents. I know the older I get, the older they get, and that scares me. This are just about perfect right now for me. I wish I could just freeze time.
When I grow up, I want to be a successful career woman. I love, love, love staying home and being with my baby girl, but I want to make her proud of me. I want her to see me as successful and know that she has options when she is an adult. (Wait, I don't want her to grow up!) My ultimate goal (as it has been since I was about 6 years old) is to be a pharmacist. I have been accepted to University of Tennessee (at Memphis) College of Pharmacy. I just have to persevere through the rest of the pre-requisite coursework. I don't really have a plan B. Maybe somehow use the Bachelor's degree I already have in Psychology. Who knows?
Tune in for tomorrow for Wednesday's question!
This is such a hard question. Most days I don't feel like I am a grown up. By that, I mean, I don't comprehend that I am 27 years old. I've been married for over six years and, I just recently added a baby to the mix. That should make anyone feel like an adult. It's funny this question was asked. I attended a wedding reception of an old coworker Saturday evening. While at work Sunday, my pharmacy manager and I were talking about it. I told her that the bride came over and talked to me for a really long time. I said it was probably because I was one of the few younger people there. Everybody else were adults and older people. Like I forgot I was an adult. I don't know.
I think I am beginning to realize adulthood as I hear about and experience the trials and tribulations that come with growing up. Such as, health issues, mortgages, and caring for my own baby. I often catch myself fearing the loss of my parents. I know the older I get, the older they get, and that scares me. This are just about perfect right now for me. I wish I could just freeze time.
When I grow up, I want to be a successful career woman. I love, love, love staying home and being with my baby girl, but I want to make her proud of me. I want her to see me as successful and know that she has options when she is an adult. (Wait, I don't want her to grow up!) My ultimate goal (as it has been since I was about 6 years old) is to be a pharmacist. I have been accepted to University of Tennessee (at Memphis) College of Pharmacy. I just have to persevere through the rest of the pre-requisite coursework. I don't really have a plan B. Maybe somehow use the Bachelor's degree I already have in Psychology. Who knows?
Tune in for tomorrow for Wednesday's question!
Excellent post :) Wish I had a set plan for what I want to be when I get big. Baby S will certainly have two great role models as she grows!!
Anonymous, At
7:19 AM
wow I learned alot about you in that post!!!! Love the question of the day, it's a neat idea, you can lean alot about a person.
Freezing time I love it!! Great idea, I know I would freeze it too. Keep the twins home, keep my two granddaughters the age they are at now and keep my mama here too!! yeah I have to agree, freezing time is an awesome idea.
In case you don't have me on your list, it's radsad.wordpress.com The House of Mis-Fits.hint hing hahaha
Sherry, At
11:48 AM
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