The Interview
I don't really know for certain where this orginated, but I know several people participated. I asked Rachel to interview me. Mainly because, though she lives in the same city basically, and we have mutual friends, we don't "know" each other.
So, here are her five questions for me.
1. When are you having another baby?
I'm really not too sure I want another baby. Don't get me wrong, I love Lovey with all I have and she is awesome and sweet and a GOOD SLEEPER! First, I felt absolutely horrible most of my pregnancy, though she is definitly worth it. Second, I don't know if I can handle more than one, but IF I (we) decided to have another one, it would have to be several, several years from now (like 5). Right now, I'm just enjoying being able to focus on Lovey.
2. How much has married life changed since Baby S arrived?
Well, the focus certainly changed. It's "look at what Lovey is doing", feeding Lovey, worrying about Lovey, etc. Sometimes I do feel bad for giving her so much attention. We do still make sure we kiss each other hello and goodbye.
3. What are some of the craziest people you've had come into where you work?
Hmmm....gosh, I could normally talk your ears off about this topic. Let me think....
Really, most people assume all we do is count pills and throw them in a bottle. Man, if you only knew. We've have insurance to deal with, doctor's offices calling, patients calling. And, yes, it may only take a few minutes to fill one prescription, but it takes a long time to fill 400! And listen, if you want your prescription filled accurately and in a timely fashion, then stop bitching about it to us. In the amount of time you just spent fussing at me, I could have had it half-way done. So there.
Okay, often times people use the pharmacy as a "free clinic" on the weekends. Example, "Hi, I cut my arm with a chainsaw. What can I put on it?" Seriously, not joking. It happened. I was there. We've had women on two seperate occasions whip out their boobies to show us something. This one customer asked "My tongue hurts. What do you think is wrong?" Another, "My stomach hurts. I went to the emergency room, but they couldn't find anything wrong. What can I take?" Umm, yeah.
Shall I go on?
4. If you could live any where in the world, where would it be and why?
Gosh, good question. I really have NO IDEA where I would live. I'm not really big on change. I'm comfortable here. As long as I am near my family, I would be happy. But I guess if we could all move, maybe somewhere in the Northeastern part of the country.
5. What hobbies do you have or what do you do in spare (ha) time?
Duh, shoppping, but that's not really a hobby, is it? Well, I do like to read and take hot baths. Now, I like hanging out with my sister and her baby or taking a walk with Lovey. I also like to watch TV, does that count? I sound pretty boring. Is talking a hobby?
1. If you want to do this meme, although I think most already have, leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." (If I don't have your email address already, either leave it in the comment or email me at
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
So, here are her five questions for me.
1. When are you having another baby?
I'm really not too sure I want another baby. Don't get me wrong, I love Lovey with all I have and she is awesome and sweet and a GOOD SLEEPER! First, I felt absolutely horrible most of my pregnancy, though she is definitly worth it. Second, I don't know if I can handle more than one, but IF I (we) decided to have another one, it would have to be several, several years from now (like 5). Right now, I'm just enjoying being able to focus on Lovey.
2. How much has married life changed since Baby S arrived?
Well, the focus certainly changed. It's "look at what Lovey is doing", feeding Lovey, worrying about Lovey, etc. Sometimes I do feel bad for giving her so much attention. We do still make sure we kiss each other hello and goodbye.
3. What are some of the craziest people you've had come into where you work?
Hmmm....gosh, I could normally talk your ears off about this topic. Let me think....
Really, most people assume all we do is count pills and throw them in a bottle. Man, if you only knew. We've have insurance to deal with, doctor's offices calling, patients calling. And, yes, it may only take a few minutes to fill one prescription, but it takes a long time to fill 400! And listen, if you want your prescription filled accurately and in a timely fashion, then stop bitching about it to us. In the amount of time you just spent fussing at me, I could have had it half-way done. So there.
Okay, often times people use the pharmacy as a "free clinic" on the weekends. Example, "Hi, I cut my arm with a chainsaw. What can I put on it?" Seriously, not joking. It happened. I was there. We've had women on two seperate occasions whip out their boobies to show us something. This one customer asked "My tongue hurts. What do you think is wrong?" Another, "My stomach hurts. I went to the emergency room, but they couldn't find anything wrong. What can I take?" Umm, yeah.
Shall I go on?
4. If you could live any where in the world, where would it be and why?
Gosh, good question. I really have NO IDEA where I would live. I'm not really big on change. I'm comfortable here. As long as I am near my family, I would be happy. But I guess if we could all move, maybe somewhere in the Northeastern part of the country.
5. What hobbies do you have or what do you do in spare (ha) time?
Duh, shoppping, but that's not really a hobby, is it? Well, I do like to read and take hot baths. Now, I like hanging out with my sister and her baby or taking a walk with Lovey. I also like to watch TV, does that count? I sound pretty boring. Is talking a hobby?
1. If you want to do this meme, although I think most already have, leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." (If I don't have your email address already, either leave it in the comment or email me at
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
My sister-in-law was a pharmacy tech and she use to tell us of the morons that would come in and treat them as if they were an urgent care center. Insane!! I WILL admit I've called a pharmacy near my house with a question on dosing meds for Morgan, BUT...her pediatrician's office was closed. Is that okay?
Anonymous, At
10:12 AM
Let me clarify...if you have a question about some meds or dosing for meds, please call. We don't want anybody overdosing.
Lucky Gem, At
11:06 AM
Great answers! How weird is it that we do live in the same city, have mutual friends and have never met? By the way, I love the pics in your last post!
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
11:33 AM
I am going to say yes that talking, shopping, and watching tv are hobbies. Just because I do them too.
Blue Angel, At
5:24 PM
sure.. interview me!
And I asked about decongestants the other day.. BUT JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND!
What The Hell Is This?, At
11:36 AM
found your blog through Kellie's, had to jump over and check you out!! :)
Your daughter is absolutely beautiful, great pic of her and an awesome family pic too!!!
Loved the interview, I got to learn a little about you.
Will put you on my list now so I can keep up.
Keep on blogging, love this idea1!!
Sherry, At
10:23 AM
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