Assignment Internet
Remember this post? Well, I will say this:
- I am glad my relationship with my sister is what it is. It is awesome! I'm glad I have her. If you're reading this Julie, thank you for the peace of mind last night, even at 10:45 pm. I knew I could call you.
- I am blessed with my sweet baby girl and wonderful hubby.
- I am worried about my stubborn brothers, one who is way old enough to know better (he's 31) and one who is having a hard time learning the real world (he's about to be 21). God help me. I worry so much.
- I am pissed that I have to keep Lovey's door shut when the dog is in house because if I don't, he pees in there.
Now, there are more things that I won't go into detail about, but I wanted to share these.
Does anybody watch House Hunters on HGTV? Why do I love it so much?
And why do I always thing of things to blog about when I'm feeding Lovey and can't get to the computer?
On the way home from work Sunday, I got caught at a redlight. I notice a motorcycle in the intersection. The motorcycle was on the ground. So was the driver. Not a good place for me to stop. It looked like the motorcycle driver just laid the bike over. I did see the man get up. Apparently, it had just happened because it looked like he was just gathering his thoughts before he decided to get up. Luckily, a good samaritan was directing traffic around him.
And Mr. S is talking about getting a new motorcyle. It's a catch 22. I told him if he were to get a new bike (he wants a Harley this time) that I would want him to get more use out of it. He barely rides the one he has now. BUT, I worry to death when he rides.
Thing is, he has been wanting a Harley for several years. To put off that conversation, I told him I wanted to buy a bigger house and have a baby. Well, guess what? Yep. That's right. I got my bigger house and a baby. Now what?
Now, who wants to see a cute, little baby fresh out of the tub?
You do?
Well, if you insist.
Can't help with the kitchen skills are crap!!
I'm sorry the dog is doing his thing in Baby Girl's room...I know how frustrating it is. As hard as it is, try not to get too angry with him...that'll make him more jealous and resentful.
Jimmy had a Harley--he sold it last year. He rarely rode it. I didn't make him sell it, but told him: "Look...either ride the damn thing and justify the payment or sell it and we'll put that money to something else." I would worry when he'd be out on it, too. It's not HIM I worry's the other idiots that have no respect for motorcycles!!
Seriously??!! KILLING me with the darling baby pics..she's so cute and yummy!!
Anonymous, At
9:10 AM
Bring up the dinners at Bunco tonight. I'm sure Mom will have plenty of ideas.
Have you asked your vet(I wanted to write pet so bad.) for tips/tricks/ideas on how to help Cody adjust?
And the motorcycle...well, you know me. I love them. They scare me to death thanks to Bubba. BUT, your husband is extremely responsible. I know you have to worry about the other idiots on the road. And a long time ago, you only paid for insurance on your motorcycle during "riding season." (ask Mom that's where I got it) So, I guess they are only meant to be ridden at certain times. (So trying to help Dave get a Harley lol) Love you both.
The brothers, damn girl, it sucks we can shake them and make them see things our way. I understand.
Baby S gets cuter everyday!
Blue Angel, At
9:27 AM
I have a receipe for you. It is really really good, but it takes some prep work and may not be easy to do with Baby S there and Mr. S not there. I will add it later. It is saved on my pc at home.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
11:19 AM
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