Because I can't take off all my clothes
First, it's been getting hot here. I know, only in the 80's and it get's MUCH hotter in the summer. But, opening the windows just wasn't cutting it anymore. Lovey was getting uncomfortable, I was getting uncomfortable, Mr. S just plain hated it. I can stand to be warm. If it weren't for Lovey, I wouldn't have done it. But, I did it. I turned on the air conditioner. Oh, central air, how I love thee. It was cooler in here within minutes.

I'm not complaining. I would be perfectly content with this weather all year long. I hate, HATE winter and cold weather. I love spring! Plus, I get to dress Lovey in cute little outfits.
Second, have I told you how good Lovey sleeps. I'm not just Lucky Gem, I'm Lucky Momma! According to what I have read, it is considered sleeping through the night when they sleep 5 to 6 hours straight. Well, Lovey has been doing that for three weeks now and often times sleeps 7 hours before waking up to be fed. I hope this continues.
She's so funny because when she is tired, there is no stopping her from falling asleep. Here, take a look for yourself.
I was on the phone with her in my lap. Out like a light.
I laid her down to change her diaper. Out!
Here, I laid her down to try to keep her awake before bed. That worked.
6 Comments: cute is she!! That is awesome she is such a good sleeper! As for the 80 degree weather...send it to us NYers!! It was 50 here...and I was in a teeshirt...that right now is warm to us! But next week..aawww next week and praying to see that 80 degree weather!!
Kelly, At
7:55 PM
DANG is she a cutie, and nothing makes a baby even MORE adorable than being a great sleeper!! Congrats to you!!!
Anonymous, At
9:05 AM
When I opened my MLGW bill, I decided to leave the air off as long as possible. $82! I can handle bill like that.
Baby Girl is such a sweet sleeper. She's growing so fast.
Blue Angel, At
11:25 AM
She is just adorable! I have a hard time not waking Alyssa when she's sleeping because she's just so sweet looking and I just wanna snuggle her a little more!
Cherish how little she is, because it will not last long. But, each new phase is even better than the last one!
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
1:09 PM
She's so adorable!! Glad she's a good sleeper. Morgan WAS... until we moved!! I'm praying to the sleeping child fairies she returns to being the awesome sleeper she was!!
Our new place has central air and I'm so more air conditioners in the walls :) Although, I won't be needing mine anytime in the near future..lucky girl!!
Anonymous, At
10:06 AM
Hahaha!!!! She's too cute! I love it.
Yeah, your utility bill goes up after having kids. I've already had to turn our air on, too. Well, until today. Hell, we are probably going to have to turn the heat on a few nights coming up. Heat and air in the same day? Gotta love this time of year. (Which, I do. I'm with you. I LOVE spring!)
Silly Hily, At
2:53 PM
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