It hasn't been all fun and games
What have I been doing since taking leave from work Jan. 5? Well, actually not much the first two weeks. Having a basketball in your belly kinda limits the wild and crazy nights. Once Lovey came, there was a lot of time devoted to taking care of her and sleeping when I could. After several weeks, I had gotten used to less sleep while Lovey was sleeping all the time. I needed something to keep me busy. I took the opportunity to clean out the attic. We've only been living in this house for two years, but there was some stuff we should not have been hoarding in the attic. Like old dishes that belonged to Mr.S's grandparents, and Mr. S thought it would hurt his mom's feelings if we asked her to take the stuff back. Too bad. I wanted it out of the attic. There was six boxes of the crap. I kinda forced Mr. S to ask what she wanted us to do with the stuff. She went through it, took what she wanted and the rest is history. Am I mean? But the end result: 
I didn't take a before picture. But there is so much more room to walk around now! And I know exactly what's where. Mr. S looked the other day and complimented me on the nice work.
Tomorrow...what we are doing outside. Pictures included.
Nice work! We sooooo have to do this before Lucy comes and it gets to hot outside to stand being up there. I can't stand a cluttered attic.
It's Kimpossible!, At
4:36 PM
Do you want to work on my attic? I need to do it, but can't seem to find the motivation.
Blue Angel, At
9:35 PM
Looks great...I am allergic to clutter and am all about making MY clutter either someone else's clutter or making it just vanish!!
Anonymous, At
12:47 PM
I so get like that too...when I get on a cleaning frenzy watch out! Everything ends up in the garbage...and with has to be out immediately...before i change my mind! Great job on the attic..looks good!
Kelly, At
7:59 PM
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