I'm hungry AND I can't go back to sleep
It's like 5:20 am... AM! Way too early for me to be awake. No, Baby S is not awake. This is what it is. Mr. S has this little thing that we like to call "jumpy leg". Technically, he's been diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome. But, I'm the one that really suffers from it. He came to bed this morning around 4:00 a.m. On the weekends, he usually stays up to give Baby S her middle of the night feeding. Works great for me. But tonight, his leg was "jumpy". I woke up when he came to bed. Fine. But, I was having difficulty going back to sleep. Fine. OH NO. That's when it started. The slight twitching of the leg. As you may recall, I sleep alone all.week.long. I really have to adjust to weekend sleeping with Mr. S. So, really, anything out of the ordinary throws me off. Tonight was one of those nights. Not Mr. S's fault. And the leg twitching probably wouldn't bother most people, but I lay there anticipating the next twitch, so I can't go back to sleep. Bleh. Well, I decided to move to the couch. Well, 30 minutes later, here I am. Still awake. And before, I would've been able to fall back to sleep pretty easy on the couch. But, have I mentioned my child sleeps in the living room? She does. It's simple really.
Remember the first two weeks Mr. S was home with me and Baby S, and he stayed up at night with her while I slept. Well, where do you think Baby S was. In the living room in her Pack-n-play. When Mr. S went back to work, we moved it into our bedroom. Baby S wasn't sleeping well. I'm convinced it was because she sensed me in the room because she wouldn't make a noise until I came to bed, then she would wake up and not really go back to sleep real well. That went on for a week or two, and I couldn't take the lack of sleep anymore, so we decided to try moving her back to the living room. Ahhh, it seems to work. She does well, I do well. I don't hear her every little groan....until tonight. Cuz I tried to go back to sleep on the couch. Again, here I am. Still 5:40 in the morning. I should be sleeping. MY BABY IS SLEEPING! Plus, I have a full day tomorrow. I may have to cut something out. I don't know if I'll make it. Baby S's granny (Blue Angel's mom) is coming over around noon, my sister and I were going to go clean my mom's house, and I have a jewelry party at 6:30 pm. Don't worry Stephsky, I'll be there.
Cleaning my moms house? Why? Well, they are on a cruise with my niece and nephew. Lucky kids. I'm so jealous. They deserve it. That's another story. But, my mom and stepdad have custody of my niece and nephew who are 8 and 7. Keep in mind, my mom is 55 and my stepdad is 60. They should be empty nesters. No, they have always had kids in their house. My mom is a pharmacist so she works full time. My stepdad, though on leave for an injury right now, normally works as well, but is home alot with the kids because of his schedule (at the Fire Dept). Oh, yeah, why are we cleaning their house? A 7 and 8 year old take up alot of time. Especially when they have full schedules of Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, basketball, baseball, soccer, you name it. And, as great as my stepdad is for accepting my niece and nephew as his own flesh and blood, he and the kids can make a mess of a house while she is at work. It's a bit overwhelming for my mom. It's been really bothering her lately. So, while they are on vacation, my sister and I thought we would relieve her of some stress. It probably won't stay clean very long, and I'll probably have to shoot my stepdad, but it'll be worth seeing the relief on my mom's face.
Done with that. On to what else that's been running through my mind.
Blue, last night...good times. I know you probably don't want to hear that. I'm sorry. And, I hope that doesn't put you under any pressure or make you uncomfortable. But, it was fun. Maybe a little awkward, but we (Mr. S and I) have missed the fun times. Okay, you can shoot me now. But first, you HAVE to post the story of the bathroom in Alabama!
Hmm..is there anything else? Well, for those who didn't get my email, go here.
OH!! I can't believe I almost forgot. Recall, Baby S is only 7 weeks old. SEVEN WEEKS!! Mr. S's mom has asked three times when we are going to start her on cereal. The last time she asked Mr. S, I only heard his side of the conversation because they were on the phone. I heard him say, "She's not old enough." So, of course, I questioned him when he got off the phone. I was a little bothered by her inquiry. I asked why she was asking and he said because she said by the time they were Baby S's age she had started them on cereal even though back then it was not recommended either. WHAT? Then leave us the hell alone about it. First, OUR baby. Second, we had already told her probably not before she's around 4 months old, but we were going to take cues from Baby S letting us know when she was ready for cereal. If she's ready before then, fine, if not, fine. She is doing terrifically on her formula. Sleeping beautifully at night. Yeah, let her ask me again.
Remember the first two weeks Mr. S was home with me and Baby S, and he stayed up at night with her while I slept. Well, where do you think Baby S was. In the living room in her Pack-n-play. When Mr. S went back to work, we moved it into our bedroom. Baby S wasn't sleeping well. I'm convinced it was because she sensed me in the room because she wouldn't make a noise until I came to bed, then she would wake up and not really go back to sleep real well. That went on for a week or two, and I couldn't take the lack of sleep anymore, so we decided to try moving her back to the living room. Ahhh, it seems to work. She does well, I do well. I don't hear her every little groan....until tonight. Cuz I tried to go back to sleep on the couch. Again, here I am. Still 5:40 in the morning. I should be sleeping. MY BABY IS SLEEPING! Plus, I have a full day tomorrow. I may have to cut something out. I don't know if I'll make it. Baby S's granny (Blue Angel's mom) is coming over around noon, my sister and I were going to go clean my mom's house, and I have a jewelry party at 6:30 pm. Don't worry Stephsky, I'll be there.
Cleaning my moms house? Why? Well, they are on a cruise with my niece and nephew. Lucky kids. I'm so jealous. They deserve it. That's another story. But, my mom and stepdad have custody of my niece and nephew who are 8 and 7. Keep in mind, my mom is 55 and my stepdad is 60. They should be empty nesters. No, they have always had kids in their house. My mom is a pharmacist so she works full time. My stepdad, though on leave for an injury right now, normally works as well, but is home alot with the kids because of his schedule (at the Fire Dept). Oh, yeah, why are we cleaning their house? A 7 and 8 year old take up alot of time. Especially when they have full schedules of Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, basketball, baseball, soccer, you name it. And, as great as my stepdad is for accepting my niece and nephew as his own flesh and blood, he and the kids can make a mess of a house while she is at work. It's a bit overwhelming for my mom. It's been really bothering her lately. So, while they are on vacation, my sister and I thought we would relieve her of some stress. It probably won't stay clean very long, and I'll probably have to shoot my stepdad, but it'll be worth seeing the relief on my mom's face.
Done with that. On to what else that's been running through my mind.
Blue, last night...good times. I know you probably don't want to hear that. I'm sorry. And, I hope that doesn't put you under any pressure or make you uncomfortable. But, it was fun. Maybe a little awkward, but we (Mr. S and I) have missed the fun times. Okay, you can shoot me now. But first, you HAVE to post the story of the bathroom in Alabama!
Hmm..is there anything else? Well, for those who didn't get my email, go here.
OH!! I can't believe I almost forgot. Recall, Baby S is only 7 weeks old. SEVEN WEEKS!! Mr. S's mom has asked three times when we are going to start her on cereal. The last time she asked Mr. S, I only heard his side of the conversation because they were on the phone. I heard him say, "She's not old enough." So, of course, I questioned him when he got off the phone. I was a little bothered by her inquiry. I asked why she was asking and he said because she said by the time they were Baby S's age she had started them on cereal even though back then it was not recommended either. WHAT? Then leave us the hell alone about it. First, OUR baby. Second, we had already told her probably not before she's around 4 months old, but we were going to take cues from Baby S letting us know when she was ready for cereal. If she's ready before then, fine, if not, fine. She is doing terrifically on her formula. Sleeping beautifully at night. Yeah, let her ask me again.
I agree that Baby S may not have been sleeping as well in your room with you there. Morgan is the same way. She's been in her crib from night #1 and if I try to get her to sleep anywhere BUT her crib, it's not fun.
So nice of you to clean your Mom's house. I'm sure it will make her happy. Threaten the step-dad and the kids with a kick in the shins :) if they mess it up!!
Twitchy legs??!! GOD, I HATE when that happens to me. I'll lay there for an hour waiting for the next one to happen. Drives me insane.
Cereal? You do what YOU want with her. Last I knew, she came out of YOUR body which means NO ONE has the right to hound you on when to do what. I started Morgan on cereal at 4 months...you have plenty of time.
You're doing great with this baby gig. Smile and be proud :) Oh...and where the hell are the pictures with this post :) Kidding...really, I am!!! Don't be mad!!
Anonymous, At
9:28 AM
I didn't even think to post about the bathroom in Alabama. Thanks for the idea.
I did have a good time last night. I never felt awkward and hope that the two of you didn't. Like I said, we go to dinner almost every week. We just haven't been with anyone else in a very long time. No pressure, I take one day at a time. : )
Stupid jumpy leg! Sorry you didn't get much sleep. I'm so excited that I got to see Baby S smile tonight.
Blue Angel, At
9:38 PM
thanks for not standing me up... i loved getting to see baby s!
Anonymous, At
9:51 AM
Oh Lucky. Dear Lucky. The sooner you block out other people's opinions, the better you will be. I'm serious. EVERYONE who has EVER had a baby will give you their opinion on what YOU should be doing with YOUR child because it's what THEY did with THEIR child and their child is perfect so it must have worked and therefore will work for you. If only it were that easy, parenting wouldn't be so hard would it? But it's not that easy at all. Every child is different and every parent is different. Period. That's the truth of it all. You do what is best for you and Baby S and Mr. S and don't pay any attention to what other people say. It's giving you stress that you don't need.
Silly Hily, At
11:47 AM
Yep...they can sense you in the room. I'm convinced of it.
You gotta do what you gotta do to get some sleep!!
Isabel, At
12:29 PM
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