The Diary of Mrs. S

Friday, June 30, 2006

7th Heaven Confession

Occasionally, I may catch an episode or two of 7th Heaven. And while I never really watched it before, I did try to watch a few episodes of this last season. I don't know why. Maybe because on Monday nights at 10:00 pm, there's nothing else on except the news. I did manage to watch some of the series finale also. It ended a little cheesy, but who cares. Guilty pleasure. So, the other night, some reruns came on. Yes, I watched both of them. They were from this last season. One episode made me think. The set up: Rose and one of the Camden boys (don't really know all the characters) were making the their guest list for their wedding. Rose had put her ex-boyfriend on the list to invite him. The fiance did not know about this, but Rev. Camden found out and advised Rose to talk to him about it. And was she inviting him for the right reason or to make the ex-boyfriend jealous?

Rewind just over 5 years ago when I was making my wedding guest list. I can think of two ex-boyfriends that I invited to my wedding. One of these guys I actually dissed, not once, but kinda twice for my hubby. He did not come to my wedding. The other guy, an on-again off-again fling throughout middle school and high school, did come. And, we are still friends. But, I started wondering if I invited them for the right reason, and to be honest, at 21 probably not.

I'm racking my brain trying to figure out if I have been to any of my exes' weddings. I went to a wedding of a guy I went out on a few dates with but nothing serious at all. Come to think of it, I was told I would get an invitation to the above said ex's wedding who came to my wedding, but never got one. Hmm...

So, I am just wondering if anyone else invited an ex to their wedding?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's a Girl

My sister is having a girl. Her name will be Eva Hope. Eva was the name of my grandmother (my mom's mother) who we never got to meet. My sister is thrilled!

I have been doing okay except for Saturday night. I think I did too much that day. Sunday was pretty good. I actually got to eat steak...yummy! I called my dad and stepdad on Father's Day, but I had been feeling so bad last week, that I didn't even get a card for them. They happen to be both working on Sunday (my dad is an RN at Baptist Hospital and my stepdad is a Paramedic for the Fire Dept.) So, I lucked out on that one. I still haven't gotten anything for them. I plan on doing that today....hopefully.

I am hating that I am taking this summer class. It's a struggle to go and it is so boring. It's too late to drop it to get any money back, and $800 is too much to throw down the drain. Plus, I said this pregnancy thing wasn't going to interfere with my school plans. It wouldn't if I didn't feel so darn bad.

SillyHily, thanks for opening your beautiful home. Dave and I appreciate the gifts. I can't wait to start filling up the baby book. You are so thoughtful!

It was good to see everyone else there too! Everyone looked great. LizzieP, you looked magnificent!! You make being pregnant look beautiful.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I did it! I listened to the radio this morning, and I cried. It's not the pregnancy, I do it everytime they do something like this. But this time, I FINALLY did something about it! Maybe that had a little to do with being pregnant. Anyway, I bought a ticket for the St. Jude Dreamhouse giveaway! I don't care if I don't win the dreamhouse, I don't care if I don't win any of the other prizes. What is $100 bucks, when I can go to school, own a home, cars, motorcycle, and take vacations. I did it to make the guilt go away for the times before when I didn't donate. I did it for Kimpossible's next door neighbor. I did it becasue I just couldn't turn off the radio one more time and ignore those stories.
I personally have had no experience with St. Jude. I have had a few acquaintances who have. I pray I never have to. Those of us who live here should be thankful and proud that St. Jude exists here in Memphis. For all the bad things there are here, there is St. Jude. The whole world knows about this wonderful hospital and what great things it does. I think I will be more giving to them in the future.
For anyone reading who happens to not live here, please feel free to visit St. Jude's website.

Hug your babies!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's been a week, I know. (like anyone cares) Anyway, I have still been having a pretty horrible experience with this pregnancy thing. I haven't felt like doing much of anything. I'm tired alot. I am taking a Cell Biology class and working (though I have cut my hours for now). I haven't folded my laundry in over a week, that is driving me nuts! I haven't cleaned my house, so no surprise visits, okay? I can get pretty irritable at times, usually when I don't feel too good. I have come to terms with the bathroom floor, although I haven't visited it an 3 days!! I feel my worst at night, when I am all alone. Just as well, I hate puking with anyone around. I have weakened to the forces of Zofran on occasion. That $75 dollar copay was worth it! I eat whatever sounds good at the moment, as a survival mechanism. I think I am going to break the bank with the spur of the moment cravings. I can't wait for the nausea to pass. Today has actually been a pretty good day.
I went to the doc for my first prenatal visit. I am 7 weeks, 3 days. Due Jan. 27, 2007. That's strange to type. Everything looks good. If you refer to this, I am healing well from that and should not have any problems. I have lost about 5 pounds, so far, going from 104 to 99 lbs. Yowzers! The doc would like for me to gain 25 to 30 pounds. I guess I have some catching up to do. My little frogger's heartbeat was nice and strong! I have my first picture of the little bugger, ready to be magneted (is that a word?) to the fridge. Dave was so excited at the doctor's office. I think, more so than I was.
Oh, my sister will find out the sex of her baby on Friday, hopefully. I'll let you know if it will be a little Eva or a little Mason!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Isn't it gross when you ate salad for lunch and then later a piece of lettuce comes out your nose....7 hours later. Let the puking commence...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Follow up

Whew, now that I can talk about it....Damn, I am tired and feel like crap! When does it stop?! I cry sometimes I feel so bad. Whooohoooo, my boobs are getting bigger! I go to the doc June 13. I am looking forward to that. And to getting a prescription for Zofran, if I don't call before then. My family is excited, Dave is excited. My mom is beside herself. I mean, both her daughters expecting their first within a few months of each other. Poor lady, we have already called her so many times, both of us crying because we feel so bad. Hey, she's had four kids. Luckily, my sister is now passed that stage. I was worried how my sister would feel about me getting pregnant too. I did not want to take anything away from her. I could not have been more wrong. She was so happy! I was a little nervous telling my mom because I didn't want her to think this changes anything with school. It doesn't. The busier I am, the happier I am. No one in my family even thought it would change my plans for school.
Dave was the first person I called. He was at work when I took the test. I called Chrissy next because I was totally freaking out. Being the awesome friend she is, she came over and even brought me a jar of pickles! (Psst....please don't start harassing Chrissy about a baby.)

Well, I'm tired for now....

OH, almost forgot. I figured my due date is around Jan. 29, 2007!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Well, Heck!

Because I can't keep the secret any longer......