It's been a week, I know. (like anyone cares) Anyway, I have still been having a pretty horrible experience with this pregnancy thing. I haven't felt like doing much of anything. I'm tired alot. I am taking a Cell Biology class and working (though I have cut my hours for now). I haven't folded my laundry in over a week, that is driving me nuts! I haven't cleaned my house, so no surprise visits, okay? I can get pretty irritable at times, usually when I don't feel too good. I have come to terms with the bathroom floor, although I haven't visited it an 3 days!! I feel my worst at night, when I am all alone. Just as well, I hate puking with anyone around. I have weakened to the forces of Zofran on occasion. That $75 dollar copay was worth it! I eat whatever sounds good at the moment, as a survival mechanism. I think I am going to break the bank with the spur of the moment cravings. I can't wait for the nausea to pass. Today has actually been a pretty good day.
I went to the doc for my first prenatal visit. I am 7 weeks, 3 days. Due Jan. 27, 2007. That's strange to type. Everything looks good. If you refer to this, I am healing well from that and should not have any problems. I have lost about 5 pounds, so far, going from 104 to 99 lbs. Yowzers! The doc would like for me to gain 25 to 30 pounds. I guess I have some catching up to do. My little frogger's heartbeat was nice and strong! I have my first picture of the little bugger, ready to be magneted (is that a word?) to the fridge. Dave was so excited at the doctor's office. I think, more so than I was.
Oh, my sister will find out the sex of her baby on Friday, hopefully. I'll let you know if it will be a little Eva or a little Mason!
I went to the doc for my first prenatal visit. I am 7 weeks, 3 days. Due Jan. 27, 2007. That's strange to type. Everything looks good. If you refer to this, I am healing well from that and should not have any problems. I have lost about 5 pounds, so far, going from 104 to 99 lbs. Yowzers! The doc would like for me to gain 25 to 30 pounds. I guess I have some catching up to do. My little frogger's heartbeat was nice and strong! I have my first picture of the little bugger, ready to be magneted (is that a word?) to the fridge. Dave was so excited at the doctor's office. I think, more so than I was.
Oh, my sister will find out the sex of her baby on Friday, hopefully. I'll let you know if it will be a little Eva or a little Mason!
I've already told my "daughter" all about your doctor's visit. She is excited and can't wait for you to find out the sex. I can't wait either, but you know that. I am collecting baby gift ideas from the big girls around here. : ) I'm going to be the best auntie ever, but that is just b/c you are going to have the best nephew ever.
Blue Angel, At
4:33 PM
BTW, I'm hoping for you to have a boy and Julie to have a girl. That way we have one of each and Julie would be thrilled.
Blue Angel, At
4:34 PM
Being tired is totally normal. Don't worry about your house. Find me a pregnant woman, esp in her first trimester, who has a spotless house and is always caught up on laundry and I'll show you ocean-front property in Arizona.
Oh, and GOOD NEWS, I have 25-30 lbs. that I would be more than happy to GIVE you. You can have it and don't even have to worry about giving it back.
I'm a good friend like that.
Silly Hily, At
11:38 AM
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