You know you are from Memphis.....
You know what every member of the Fleming Family looks like.
You know that MusicFest = Mudfest
You've had your picture taken by the begger on Beale street or you have taken your picture with him.
A basketball game has more attendance than a football game.
Prince Mongo & Jerry "the king" lawler are on the mayors ballot.
You want to see the Watson's girl in a bikini to see how fat she is getting each year.
You went to the Mall of Murder and ice skated and survived.
You have waited for 4 hours to get a drivers license or have your car inspected.
Beale street is what you look forward to when you turn 21.
You know what real Barbecue is.
You're scared of Germantown & Bartlett Cops.
Someone in your family has an Elvis story.
Our tap water is like your Evian.
Our mayor does drugs, how hardcore is that?
Goin muddin' is a sport.
You drive like your gonna kill everyone else.
The weather doesn't go with the season.
You just call the Mississippi "The River."
You didn't know that the Old Bridge and the New Bridge had names.
All year long you look forward to May... because Memphis in May is da bomb: Rajun Cajun, Musicfest, Greekfest, BBQfest, and Italianfest.
You've had to switch the thermostat from heat to air in the same day.
You can say "Take Poplar" and get anywhere from anywhere.
You know you can make it anywhere in memphis in "about 15 minutes."
You call the city a dump, but you'll fight any out-of-towners that agree with you.
You know Going South or to the boats means you are going to the casinos.
You know what is means to "Bleed blue and grey."
You still call it Memphis State.
You call the Nonconnah the "autobahn" instead of 385 or Bill Morris Parkway.
You know what and where Orange Mound, Nutbush, and Voodoo Villiage are, and that you should avoid them at all costs.
Alot of these are very true. I don't live within the city limits of Memphis. I'll just stay right where I am for now. I live in a "surburb" (quote of the Memphis mayor) of Memphis and am quite happy with that. I guess I just have to be careful of those Bartlett cops! Oh, and yes, we know what REAL barbecue is, our water is VERY good and Poplar does take you anywhere you want.
Let me just add this:
East Parkway runs north/south, North Parkway runs east/west.
You know what every member of the Fleming Family looks like.
You know that MusicFest = Mudfest
You've had your picture taken by the begger on Beale street or you have taken your picture with him.
A basketball game has more attendance than a football game.
Prince Mongo & Jerry "the king" lawler are on the mayors ballot.
You want to see the Watson's girl in a bikini to see how fat she is getting each year.
You went to the Mall of Murder and ice skated and survived.
You have waited for 4 hours to get a drivers license or have your car inspected.
Beale street is what you look forward to when you turn 21.
You know what real Barbecue is.
You're scared of Germantown & Bartlett Cops.
Someone in your family has an Elvis story.
Our tap water is like your Evian.
Our mayor does drugs, how hardcore is that?
Goin muddin' is a sport.
You drive like your gonna kill everyone else.
The weather doesn't go with the season.
You just call the Mississippi "The River."
You didn't know that the Old Bridge and the New Bridge had names.
All year long you look forward to May... because Memphis in May is da bomb: Rajun Cajun, Musicfest, Greekfest, BBQfest, and Italianfest.
You've had to switch the thermostat from heat to air in the same day.
You can say "Take Poplar" and get anywhere from anywhere.
You know you can make it anywhere in memphis in "about 15 minutes."
You call the city a dump, but you'll fight any out-of-towners that agree with you.
You know Going South or to the boats means you are going to the casinos.
You know what is means to "Bleed blue and grey."
You still call it Memphis State.
You call the Nonconnah the "autobahn" instead of 385 or Bill Morris Parkway.
You know what and where Orange Mound, Nutbush, and Voodoo Villiage are, and that you should avoid them at all costs.
Alot of these are very true. I don't live within the city limits of Memphis. I'll just stay right where I am for now. I live in a "surburb" (quote of the Memphis mayor) of Memphis and am quite happy with that. I guess I just have to be careful of those Bartlett cops! Oh, and yes, we know what REAL barbecue is, our water is VERY good and Poplar does take you anywhere you want.
Let me just add this:
East Parkway runs north/south, North Parkway runs east/west.
And it forgot Bing Hampton.. oh, and Tiger High.. hehehe
What The Hell Is This?, At
12:54 PM
And Frayser Blvd and Yale Road are on in the same..
And James Road, Stage Road, and HWY 64 are the same road too.. they just change names at the lines of Frayser and Raleigh and the again at an imginary line..
And we actually have an intersection called "Disfunction Junction"..
What The Hell Is This?, At
12:57 PM
that was too funny!! lol
Tonya, At
3:28 PM
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