This is a bush, in Florida, on the resort where we stayed. To the left is a pond and golf course and behind it is a pool.

These are golf balls.

This is Blue crawling into said bush (yes, really) to get golf balls. I promise, she was in the middle of the bush at one point!
To make our husbands proud.
They were playing golf and we had come back from the beach and were waiting on them to return. We got a little bored. Put me and Blue together with boredem and you get golf ball hunting on the resort. We spent a good hour looking and spying on orphaned golf balls. And we found a whole bunch! The bush incident was the best. It started out by just peeking in to see if there were any balls within reach. Well, I guess Blue couldn't resist the challenge. I held open the bush (wow, this is sounding bad) and in she went. No kidding. She was in the middle of this giant bush, yelling "Oh, here's another one, and another, and another......!" Throwing them out towards the pregnant lady here. We were laughing so hard!! Can you just imagine! It was great.
Look, here she is again in another bush! By the end of the trip, Chrissy and her bush were the butt of many jokes!