A Hospital Story
I'm here. Just kinda tired. This week has gone well though. It's been an adjustment trying to stay awake in the wee hours of the morning when Baby S wakes up. She only got up once between 9:30 last night and 6:00 this morning.
Some other news, Dave's sister gave birth to her first baby yesterday. She was 3 days past her due date. Her doctor was in no hurry to induce either. She lives in Colorado. She had a baby girl, 6lbs 14oz, 20.75 in. Dave's mom was convinced she was going to have a big baby because apparently she looked "huge" in her pictures. I hope she never told his sister that. Anyway, still funny to me that out of the three of us that were pregnant, I freaking had the biggest baby. I'm convinced it's because of all the milk I drank! Maybe? Good thing, the inlaws will be leaving for Colorado Sunday for a week!! Whoohoo, no calls. The bad news, they'll probably want to come over tomorrow to see Baby S before they leave. Maybe I'll just not be home.....I know, I'm terrible. But, if you knew these people, you would agree with me. Smoking is not the only issue I have with them, it's just that they aren't exactly the most intelligent people. Dave could NOT have come from these people. Okay, sorry enough about them. For some reason, they are just really bugging me now. This could become a problem.
OH, WAIT! I've been trying to remember to blog about the whole hospital incident with Mr. S's mom. Here's a little background first. (Don't you just love background?) Blue Angel and I have been best friends since we were 12, that means for 15 years. Her mom, or as I refer to her "Mom", is like another mother to me. She has been there for me and my family through thick and thin. She's a wonderful, unselfish person who has never judged me. She has taken care of me when I was sick, when I wouldn't live with my family, for whatever reason. She's been a mother to me. Blue Angel and I have seen each other experience everything from first kisses to engagments to, now a baby. I don't judge her and hopefully she doesn't judge me.
So, it was only natural that both Blue Angel and Mom were with me almost the entire time during labor. Just a few minutes after Baby S was born, my mom left the room for Mr. S and I to be alone with Baby S. A short time later, she came back bringing Daddy Lou (my step-dad) to see his newest granddaughter. He had to leave to go pick up my niece and nephew from their after school program, so he was the first one to come back to see the baby. Very soon afte that, Mom and Blue Angel couldn't wait any longer and made the decison to come see the new family. Nobody told them to or not too. But, they knew it was okay to come back. It was just that my mom hadn't made it back to the waiting room to get everybody. No big deal. She was actually about to do that. Well, apparently, the MIL (Mr. S's mom) decided that she was going to pitch a bitch and leave the hospital because Mom and Blue Angel went back before she did. She knew where they were going. They said out loud that they were going to see the baby. She chose to sit there. She got pissed and as Mr. S was heading down the hall to get her, he overheard her saying that it was a damn shame that she couldn't even see her granddauughter. Mr. S proceeded to ask what the problem was, and she said she would talk to him later. Well, see, if you tell Mr. S you'll talk to him later, then he'll talk to you later. He doesn't play games. That pissed her off even more because later she told him that he should have been "man enough" to walk out after her to stop her. Whatever. Again, Mr. S doesn't play immature games like that.
I felt really bad for my sweet hubby that his mom was acting like such a fool. He didn't deserve that. He said it didn't bother him though. Within the next day or two, the MIL called my step-dad, I think basically to gripe about the situation. She picked the wrong person to gripe to. My step-dad took up for Mr. S and told her he held Mr. S higher than his own son and to never say Mr. S was not a man for not following her. He also took up for Mom and Blue Angel, explaining that they had every right to be involved the way they were.
I think this is where alot of my new disdain for his family is coming from. Maybe it's just the new Mommy thing too. Maybe I've always had this strong dislike for them, and now I have even more reason to voice it. I don't know. I just know I try not to say anything to Mr. S. It's still his family whether he likes them or not.
Wanna see another pic? Sure you do. Here is Baby S in the arms of her Aunt Julie (my sister, baby Eva's mommy)
Some other news, Dave's sister gave birth to her first baby yesterday. She was 3 days past her due date. Her doctor was in no hurry to induce either. She lives in Colorado. She had a baby girl, 6lbs 14oz, 20.75 in. Dave's mom was convinced she was going to have a big baby because apparently she looked "huge" in her pictures. I hope she never told his sister that. Anyway, still funny to me that out of the three of us that were pregnant, I freaking had the biggest baby. I'm convinced it's because of all the milk I drank! Maybe? Good thing, the inlaws will be leaving for Colorado Sunday for a week!! Whoohoo, no calls. The bad news, they'll probably want to come over tomorrow to see Baby S before they leave. Maybe I'll just not be home.....I know, I'm terrible. But, if you knew these people, you would agree with me. Smoking is not the only issue I have with them, it's just that they aren't exactly the most intelligent people. Dave could NOT have come from these people. Okay, sorry enough about them. For some reason, they are just really bugging me now. This could become a problem.
OH, WAIT! I've been trying to remember to blog about the whole hospital incident with Mr. S's mom. Here's a little background first. (Don't you just love background?) Blue Angel and I have been best friends since we were 12, that means for 15 years. Her mom, or as I refer to her "Mom", is like another mother to me. She has been there for me and my family through thick and thin. She's a wonderful, unselfish person who has never judged me. She has taken care of me when I was sick, when I wouldn't live with my family, for whatever reason. She's been a mother to me. Blue Angel and I have seen each other experience everything from first kisses to engagments to, now a baby. I don't judge her and hopefully she doesn't judge me.
So, it was only natural that both Blue Angel and Mom were with me almost the entire time during labor. Just a few minutes after Baby S was born, my mom left the room for Mr. S and I to be alone with Baby S. A short time later, she came back bringing Daddy Lou (my step-dad) to see his newest granddaughter. He had to leave to go pick up my niece and nephew from their after school program, so he was the first one to come back to see the baby. Very soon afte that, Mom and Blue Angel couldn't wait any longer and made the decison to come see the new family. Nobody told them to or not too. But, they knew it was okay to come back. It was just that my mom hadn't made it back to the waiting room to get everybody. No big deal. She was actually about to do that. Well, apparently, the MIL (Mr. S's mom) decided that she was going to pitch a bitch and leave the hospital because Mom and Blue Angel went back before she did. She knew where they were going. They said out loud that they were going to see the baby. She chose to sit there. She got pissed and as Mr. S was heading down the hall to get her, he overheard her saying that it was a damn shame that she couldn't even see her granddauughter. Mr. S proceeded to ask what the problem was, and she said she would talk to him later. Well, see, if you tell Mr. S you'll talk to him later, then he'll talk to you later. He doesn't play games. That pissed her off even more because later she told him that he should have been "man enough" to walk out after her to stop her. Whatever. Again, Mr. S doesn't play immature games like that.
I felt really bad for my sweet hubby that his mom was acting like such a fool. He didn't deserve that. He said it didn't bother him though. Within the next day or two, the MIL called my step-dad, I think basically to gripe about the situation. She picked the wrong person to gripe to. My step-dad took up for Mr. S and told her he held Mr. S higher than his own son and to never say Mr. S was not a man for not following her. He also took up for Mom and Blue Angel, explaining that they had every right to be involved the way they were.
I think this is where alot of my new disdain for his family is coming from. Maybe it's just the new Mommy thing too. Maybe I've always had this strong dislike for them, and now I have even more reason to voice it. I don't know. I just know I try not to say anything to Mr. S. It's still his family whether he likes them or not.
Wanna see another pic? Sure you do. Here is Baby S in the arms of her Aunt Julie (my sister, baby Eva's mommy)
I'm jealous, Alyssa didn't sleep that long for probably 2 months!! Lucky you, lol.
As for the dislike thing, I think it becomes stronger when you have your own kids, because I know you look at Ryan any time you hear of anyone being mean or hurtful to a child (especially that child's own parents) and you think, how could anyone do that. You probably felt that way before you got pregnant, but you now know that you could never, intentionally hurt or be mean to your child.
I'm sorry that you and Mr. S have to deal with that and I really hope it gets better. Glad that your family took up for him too, that just shows how much they care.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
2:44 PM
Hey, it's katie wine taylor. first congrats!! she's beautiful! second I TOTALLY TOTALLY feel you on the "strange" in-laws. Since Weston was born we have had many similar issues...I say you, baby S, and Mr S are a family and you put the 3 of you first! They can all suck it up and deal with it because youre the mommy and you get to decided when and who gets to play with her!
Anonymous, At
3:08 PM
Thanks Katie and HI! Congrats on your news on another baby. I saw it on your myspace. Also, your friend that does ultrasounds, works at the office I go to and was the one who told us we were having a girl!
Lucky Gem, At
4:21 PM
Sorry you had to deal with that in the hospital of all places!! It's great that your step-dad stood up to the MIL. As Rachel said, you and Dave and Ryan are a family and the three of you come first. It's too bad she has to be like that...she's taking what should one of the happiest times in her life and making it something so wrong. She'll regret it.
Keep up the good work...sounds like you know what you're doing!! Nice pic of Ryan and her Aunt. Although...seeing a peanut of a baby makes me want another one (crap....did I say that??).
Unknown, At
7:07 PM
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