Just popping in

This blog has totally changed...at least temporarily. I'm sure you all hate looking at a sleeping baby, right? Didn't think so.
I actually get to say that I'll have a birth story type entry. Not so much the about the birthing part as the whole hospital, family story.
But, right now, we are all still doing really well. Thank heavens for my awesome hubby for keeping basically his nighttime schedule of being awake and allowing me to sleep at night. Seriously, have been getting 6 & 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep at night. We finally figured that little situation out after two nights. At least, I have a transition time of getting used to having a baby without being totally exhausted at the same time. Ask me next week when Mr. S goes back to work.....
Oh, and the boobs are ginormous, at least for me. Too bad I can't keep them. So far, they haven't hurt much. I have already leaked on the husband. Funny story, I was letting him say goodnight to them before I smashed them into their holder (ya know, I've never had boobs to die for). He did as he was instructed and did not touch, but I sat in his lap (I had had a moment earlier in the day....you know, one of those hormone moments) and he wanted to comfort me. Instead, he got a wet shirt. I was a little embarassed, he told me not to be. That nothing about me should be emabarassing or gross. Okay, better stop now before I have another moment.
Keep on puttin those pics up! Mr. S loves you and you shouldn't be embarrassed by any of that.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
11:37 AM
Eeeee! Pictures pictures pictures. Baby baby baby!!!!!
Get used to those "moments" honey. They will happen often now.
Silly Hily, At
1:40 PM
She is totally adorable. Sigh. I had forgotten how wonderful newborns are... cute and cuddly and, um, did I mention cute?
You are one lucky Mama!
Everyday Superhero, At
4:12 PM
YAY!.. awesome... and if you breast fed you could have kept those things longer.. but enjoy 'em while you got em!..
And of always love seeing Miss Ryan!!!!
What The Hell Is This?, At
9:21 PM
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