Part II
First off, here she is this morning.
Okay, on with the story.
We get to the hospital, they sweep me off to a L&D room (love the pre-registering thing), and I get changed into a hospital gown. The socks, they stayed on! Why do we leave our socks on, ladies? I wait for the nurse to come in. I go to an all female OBGYN group. For a reason. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with a man down there. I don't know why. So, what nurse do I get. The only male nurse in Labor and Delivery, Earl. Yes, his name was Earl. He didn't look like an Earl. He was actually very kind and comforting. But, dude, a DUDE was checking me down there. So, out the window the modesty jumped, head first without a parachute. Earl wasn't my nurse the whole time. His shift ended at 7 am.
I get comfortable in bed (comfortable, yea, right! I'm in labor). I have to wait an hour to see if I am progressing. If I wasn't, then they would send me home cuz this hospital delivers TONS of babies. Whew, I progressed from 3 cm to almost 4 cm. I wasn't going home, regardless. I was determined to fight that battle. Hooked to an I.V. and filled with fluids to get ready for the epidural. Brrrrrr, the fluid makes you so cold until your body adjusts. Anywho, that went pretty fast. Good thing, too. I was ready for that epidural. Remember, excrutiating (sp?) pain.
Ahhh, the epidural lady. I was so glad to see her. I was prepped and shot up. Your right, the epidural part wasn't bad at all! Within 10 minutes, I was floating on air. I was in heaven. I felt like myself again, well, the top half of me. I think I got my epidural around 3:30 am or so. It's all such a blur. Time really did fly by.
Nothing much happened from here until about 2:00 pm. (Somewhere around 6-7 cm they broke my water). I pushed with the nurse for about an hour. Then the doc was called. I pushed with her, probably about 6-8 (might have actually been more) sets of three and finally at 3:44 pm, little Baby S made her entrance into this brightly lit world.
I cried, Mr. S cried, my mom cried. I couldn't help it. I was so overcome with emotion. I couldn't believe what I had just done.
Little Ryan came out crying, just like her momma did over 27 years ago. We all breathed a sigh of relief to see she was perfect. I will never forget seeing Mr. S holding our little girl.
Still now, he is so gentle with her. He has been so great. I couldn't ask for anything more from him. I asked him how he felt just as baby girl was born. He said it was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced. He said he was so worried about the both of us and was just waiting for the clean bill of health for us both. He was going back and forth between me and Baby S checking on us.
We stayed in the hospital for two nights. I really wasn't ready to go home after just one night. The doc gave me the option to stay, and I took it. Poor Mr. S was a good sport about sleeping on the pullout vinyl couch for two nights. The morning of Jan. 24, we left the hospital with a new baby in tow......
See now all I scared you with was the horror story of my emergency c-section. I decided to keep the horrendous pain of labor all to myself. I'm glad things went so smoothly for you.
She's beautiful. Congratulations...again.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
3:11 PM
HOW adorable!!! Those rosey cheeks!! Awesome story...I'm glad you are all healthy, happy and home enjoying your new little one!!
Kelly, At
7:45 PM
I am so proud of you and Mr. S. I think Baby S is the luckiest little girl to have you as her parents. She is such a sweetie. I love you all. Sometimes it doesn't all seem real, but I am so happy that it is. (and that I finally caught up on my sleep. lol)
Blue Angel, At
8:24 PM
What The Hell Is This?, At
9:09 PM
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