Why Do I Need a Title?
Once again, I must direct you to Stefanie's page. Read it. Seriously. It may be just what you need. Thanks, Stefanie.
Let's change topics here. I haven't made mention here about the in-laws. Why not? Probably because I try not to think about them. Mr. S tries not to think about them. Right now, he is headed to a funeral for one of his great Aunts. He never asked me to go. I offered though. But, I am still fighting the sniffles, and he knew I wouldn't want to go anyway. That makes me sound bad. But, I know but a few people on his side of the family. Mainly, because he doesn't really like his family. They don't share the same views, morals, etc. This goes for both his mom's side and his dad's side. I can think of two uncles that Mr. S associates with. One is a golfer, the other was practically his father when he was a child.
Since Mr. S doesn't do much with his family, including his parents, I don't know much of them either. Fine by me. I'm kind of partial towards my own family anyway. But, Mr. S is too. He's told me.
The big problem may arise after Baby S is born. See, the in-laws, they smoke like chimney's. No kidding. If you looked up chain smokers, their pictures would be the epitome of chain smokers. I can't even describe how thick with smoke their house is and how they reek of smoke all the time. Hell, they can't even carry on a conversation without struggling. Every other word is followed by a hacking up of a lung. It's awful! And gross! And ya'll, his mom once smoked under.the.table in a non-smoking section of a restaurant. I was so pissed!!
And I don't want my baby in that house.
I refuse to purposefully take my daughter into that environment. Read it everywhere, there is no safe amount of cigarette smoke for babies. Even if they didn't smoke while we were there, the smoke lingering in their house would be bad enough.
This hurts Mr. S's feelings. I know it does. I'm hoping that once he holds his little girl, he will want to protect her more than anything in this world, including from cigarette smoke. He seems to believe we can take her over there. I say, not with her little bitty lungs. They can come to our house whenever they want. They know they cannot smoke in our house or cars.
This topic has not been brought up to the in-laws yet. I'm dreading the day, but it has to happen, right? I'm not being irrational, am I?
Let's change topics here. I haven't made mention here about the in-laws. Why not? Probably because I try not to think about them. Mr. S tries not to think about them. Right now, he is headed to a funeral for one of his great Aunts. He never asked me to go. I offered though. But, I am still fighting the sniffles, and he knew I wouldn't want to go anyway. That makes me sound bad. But, I know but a few people on his side of the family. Mainly, because he doesn't really like his family. They don't share the same views, morals, etc. This goes for both his mom's side and his dad's side. I can think of two uncles that Mr. S associates with. One is a golfer, the other was practically his father when he was a child.
Since Mr. S doesn't do much with his family, including his parents, I don't know much of them either. Fine by me. I'm kind of partial towards my own family anyway. But, Mr. S is too. He's told me.
The big problem may arise after Baby S is born. See, the in-laws, they smoke like chimney's. No kidding. If you looked up chain smokers, their pictures would be the epitome of chain smokers. I can't even describe how thick with smoke their house is and how they reek of smoke all the time. Hell, they can't even carry on a conversation without struggling. Every other word is followed by a hacking up of a lung. It's awful! And gross! And ya'll, his mom once smoked under.the.table in a non-smoking section of a restaurant. I was so pissed!!
And I don't want my baby in that house.
I refuse to purposefully take my daughter into that environment. Read it everywhere, there is no safe amount of cigarette smoke for babies. Even if they didn't smoke while we were there, the smoke lingering in their house would be bad enough.
This hurts Mr. S's feelings. I know it does. I'm hoping that once he holds his little girl, he will want to protect her more than anything in this world, including from cigarette smoke. He seems to believe we can take her over there. I say, not with her little bitty lungs. They can come to our house whenever they want. They know they cannot smoke in our house or cars.
This topic has not been brought up to the in-laws yet. I'm dreading the day, but it has to happen, right? I'm not being irrational, am I?
Ok.. I had this issue with my parents. We have never smoked in our house and they always have.. I let it be known that Gavin was not going to be in a home where people smoked. PERIOD. They realized, before Gavin's birth, that they want him over there.. they had a choice.. and they chose the right one. They quit smoking in the house and my dad went a step further and on the day Gavin was born, gave up his 37 year habit.
When Gavin was born, and we smoked, it was outside, with a designated smoking shirt, which was changed before we held him, and washed our hands and faces... it was the best for him.
Anonymous, At
2:40 PM
Okay, this is a big subject for me, too. My WHOLE family smokes. I'm the only one that doesn't. For a while, when I first found out I was pregnant, my mom was staying with us. I had to ask her to start smoking outside. My husband is having to quit as well. Lucky for me, he volunteered the day we found out and has cut back to only 1 or 2 a day already, which he also takes outside. My father was once busted by the doctor for trying to smoke in the ICU. Yeah.
I understand that not everyone is going to quit for my baby's sake and that my child will be exposed to some limited amounts of smoke (in restaraunts, etc.), but I'm certainly not going to make them live in it or have prolonged eposure. Especially not to avoid pissing other people off. Sorry, healthy baby comes first. End of story. I have a very asthmatic neice and nephew, that I fully believe to be the fault of their smoking parents. Rushing to the hospital, breathing treatments, constant medications, risk of attack... no thanks.
It's Kimpossible!, At
4:46 PM
Yeah, I would dread that too. But Kellie nailed it, YOUR baby, YOUR choice! If they love your baby, then they will respect that you only have her health in mind. And, what's the worst that can happen? They think you are a bitch? Big deal. I would much rather have a healthy baby than an unhealthy one b/c I was too scared of pissing someone off. Good luck sister.
Anonymous, At
4:54 PM
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