The 'Mutha'
(as Kellie put it) And I'm doing it one-handed.
1. Are your parents married or divorced? Divorced from one another but both are remarried.
2. Are you a vegetarian?Heck no! Bring on the steak and chicken
3. Do you believe in Heaven?Yes
4. Have you ever come close to dying? I guess it depends on if the guy really had a gun or not. (was robbed for some hydrocodone at work)
5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My weddingrings and anniversary band and my diamond earrings.
6. Favorite time of day? Sleep time
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Most of the time
8. Do you wear makeup? For sure!
9. Ever have plastic surgery? Nope
10. If you did have plastic surgery, what did you have done?
11. What do you wear to bed? PJ pants and T-shirt
12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Well, I've sped, I got drunk underage, but as far as anything serious, No.
13. Can you roll your tongue? Yup!
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? When I remember. I'm really bad at it though. Anybody have any tips?
15. What kind of sneakers do you wear? My Nike's or New Balance
16. Do you believe in abortions? I believe it's a choice not to be taken lightly.
17. What is your hair color? Blondish
18. Future child’s name? Prolly won't have another child, but my baby girl's name is Ryan
19. Do you snore? I don't think so
20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Somewhere tropical, warm, and beachy
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Did when I was a kid
22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Set aside money for baby girl and invest the rest
23. Gold or silver? Either
24. Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger (but those hot dogs in Destin were good, eh Blue)
25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? POTATOES!
26. City, beach or country? Beach
27. What was the last thing you touched? I'm holding baby girl
28. Where did you last eat? on the couch...GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! Had lunch at Newks in Collierville yesterday.
29. When’s the last time you cried? yesterday, just a little
30. Do you read blogs? Guilty
31. Would you ever go out dressed as the opposite sex? Not likely
32. Ever been involved with the police? Well, my step-brother is a Narcotics officer, but other than a ticket, no
33. What’s your favorite shampoo, conditioner and soap? Caress soap and the green Herbal Essences
34. Do you talk in your sleep? I have before.
35. Ocean or pool? Ocean when on vacation
36. Sauna or whirlpool? Whirlpool
37. Starbucks or Krispy Kreme? Love some hot Krispy Cream donuts and an occasional Starbucks
38. Aisle or window seat? Isle. I don't like to see that there is nothing but thousands of feet between me and the earth. Ask Chrissy!
39. Ever met anyone famous? Dude, Keith Urban and Dierks Bently
40. Do you feel you’ve had a truly successful life? Well, I'm happy.
41. Do you twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl
42. Rikki Lake or Oprah? Oprah, but not so much anymore. She seems to be on her high horse.
43. Basketball or Football? Ugh!
44. How long do your showers last? maybe 10 minutes
45. Do you drive automatic or stick? automatic
46. Cake or ice cream? Ice cream
47. Are you self-conscious? most of the time
48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? couple of times
49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? No, they need to get a job!
50. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
51. Where do you wish you were? I'm pretty happy here at home
52. Are you wearing socks? nope, slippers
53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes. My stepdad is a paramedic and in middle school he would come by and pick me up and take me to bowling when nobody else could. How fun is that!
54. Can you tango? tango tango or the bedroom tango?
55. Last gift you received? for me? chocolate covered strawberries, I think
56. Last sport you played? I tried golf several years ago
57. Things you spend a lot of money on? I love to shop for anything
58. Where do you live? in my house
59. Where were you born? Memphis, TN at Baptist East
60. Last wedding attended? Blue Angel's brother's
61. Favorite position? on what? politics, religion, sex?
62. Most hated food(s)? hard to say cuz I usually don't try things I don't think I'll like
63. Most hated soda pop? Root beer
64. Can you sing? I am physically capable. I would NEVER do it with anyone else around.--me neither Blue.
65. Last person you instant messaged? my stepdad
66. Last place you went on holiday? Destin, FL this past summer
68. Favorite alcoholic drink? Strawberry Daquiri.....I still haven't had one sine before got pregnant...anybody?
69. Current favorite song? I haven't listened to much radio lately
Now it’s time to tag 3 friends. Here we go: whoever is left!
1. Are your parents married or divorced? Divorced from one another but both are remarried.
2. Are you a vegetarian?Heck no! Bring on the steak and chicken
3. Do you believe in Heaven?Yes
4. Have you ever come close to dying? I guess it depends on if the guy really had a gun or not. (was robbed for some hydrocodone at work)
5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My weddingrings and anniversary band and my diamond earrings.
6. Favorite time of day? Sleep time
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Most of the time
8. Do you wear makeup? For sure!
9. Ever have plastic surgery? Nope
10. If you did have plastic surgery, what did you have done?
11. What do you wear to bed? PJ pants and T-shirt
12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Well, I've sped, I got drunk underage, but as far as anything serious, No.
13. Can you roll your tongue? Yup!
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? When I remember. I'm really bad at it though. Anybody have any tips?
15. What kind of sneakers do you wear? My Nike's or New Balance
16. Do you believe in abortions? I believe it's a choice not to be taken lightly.
17. What is your hair color? Blondish
18. Future child’s name? Prolly won't have another child, but my baby girl's name is Ryan
19. Do you snore? I don't think so
20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Somewhere tropical, warm, and beachy
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Did when I was a kid
22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Set aside money for baby girl and invest the rest
23. Gold or silver? Either
24. Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger (but those hot dogs in Destin were good, eh Blue)
25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? POTATOES!
26. City, beach or country? Beach
27. What was the last thing you touched? I'm holding baby girl
28. Where did you last eat? on the couch...GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! Had lunch at Newks in Collierville yesterday.
29. When’s the last time you cried? yesterday, just a little
30. Do you read blogs? Guilty
31. Would you ever go out dressed as the opposite sex? Not likely
32. Ever been involved with the police? Well, my step-brother is a Narcotics officer, but other than a ticket, no
33. What’s your favorite shampoo, conditioner and soap? Caress soap and the green Herbal Essences
34. Do you talk in your sleep? I have before.
35. Ocean or pool? Ocean when on vacation
36. Sauna or whirlpool? Whirlpool
37. Starbucks or Krispy Kreme? Love some hot Krispy Cream donuts and an occasional Starbucks
38. Aisle or window seat? Isle. I don't like to see that there is nothing but thousands of feet between me and the earth. Ask Chrissy!
39. Ever met anyone famous? Dude, Keith Urban and Dierks Bently
40. Do you feel you’ve had a truly successful life? Well, I'm happy.
41. Do you twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl
42. Rikki Lake or Oprah? Oprah, but not so much anymore. She seems to be on her high horse.
43. Basketball or Football? Ugh!
44. How long do your showers last? maybe 10 minutes
45. Do you drive automatic or stick? automatic
46. Cake or ice cream? Ice cream
47. Are you self-conscious? most of the time
48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? couple of times
49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? No, they need to get a job!
50. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
51. Where do you wish you were? I'm pretty happy here at home
52. Are you wearing socks? nope, slippers
53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes. My stepdad is a paramedic and in middle school he would come by and pick me up and take me to bowling when nobody else could. How fun is that!
54. Can you tango? tango tango or the bedroom tango?
55. Last gift you received? for me? chocolate covered strawberries, I think
56. Last sport you played? I tried golf several years ago
57. Things you spend a lot of money on? I love to shop for anything
58. Where do you live? in my house
59. Where were you born? Memphis, TN at Baptist East
60. Last wedding attended? Blue Angel's brother's
61. Favorite position? on what? politics, religion, sex?
62. Most hated food(s)? hard to say cuz I usually don't try things I don't think I'll like
63. Most hated soda pop? Root beer
64. Can you sing? I am physically capable. I would NEVER do it with anyone else around.--me neither Blue.
65. Last person you instant messaged? my stepdad
66. Last place you went on holiday? Destin, FL this past summer
68. Favorite alcoholic drink? Strawberry Daquiri.....I still haven't had one sine before got pregnant...anybody?
69. Current favorite song? I haven't listened to much radio lately
Now it’s time to tag 3 friends. Here we go: whoever is left!
i'll go with you for that strawberry daquiri!
Anonymous, At
12:02 PM
Did you say drinkin'? Let's go! I think I knew your answers to most of the questions. And I forgot about the hot dogs in Destin. They were sooo good and I wasn't even pregnant.
Blue Angel, At
8:25 PM
I'll fly to TN for that drink :)
Um..HELLOOOO??? For a few posts, you ended them with a pic of baby girl. Last two haven't had one. I'm waiting.... :)
Great job typing one handed!!
Anonymous, At
9:49 PM
I think I really like you!!
And you should definitely wax those brows girl! If you haven't done it, yes the first couple times may not be so great, but after you get past that it is wonderful. I still try tweezing and I suck at it!
And I cannot believe you typed all that one handed. You rock!
Little Miss, At
8:07 AM
I could survive on nothing but potatoes for the rest of my life!!! I LOVE potatoes! I'll have a strawberry dacquri, please.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
10:27 AM
Wow you typed that all one handed? I'm impressed! I still need to do this..Kellie tagged me days ago...maybe it will be my next post...
Kelly, At
8:07 PM
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