How old is too old?
I went shopping to Kohl's one day last week. I needed some jeans that fit me a little more comfortably. While I can squeeze into several pairs of my pre-pregnancy jeans, they are a little tight. While my husband thinks I have a nice ass, I don't like to accentuate it by wearing painted on jeans. Ladies, (and gentlemen?) I had to buy a size 5. Before, I wore a 1 or 3. So, I'm 12 pounds heavier right now, mostly in my nice ass, LOL, and really I am totally okay with that. What bothers me most is that I may have to buy more jeans when my others are perfectly fine, just a little small now. Mostly I'm upset about my jeans I bought in NYC last year. I can't wear them. They have meaning. Dude, I was in NYC!
So, I have a question. While my booty did get a little more jiggly, my hips are what seems to be the problem. Ya know, I guess they 'spread' to have a baby. DO THEY GO BACK? Like I said, I don't mind the extra junk in the trunk and thighs, cuz, well, it probably did me some good to gain a little weight. I know it's only been 4 weeks, but I do plan on sit-ups and running up and down my stairs in my house to get rid of the little belly bump.
Back to the title. While I was shopping, I realized I shop strictly in the Juniors section. At 27, am I too old. The Misses dept. seems to have clothes that are too, well, I don't know, not young. But when do you stop shopping in the Junior's dept. I did before because that's the only clothes that I could find to fit. With my new found hips, I might can wear some Misses stuff, or even the Petite stuff since I'm kinda short.
This got me thinking.
When are you too old to:
So, I have a question. While my booty did get a little more jiggly, my hips are what seems to be the problem. Ya know, I guess they 'spread' to have a baby. DO THEY GO BACK? Like I said, I don't mind the extra junk in the trunk and thighs, cuz, well, it probably did me some good to gain a little weight. I know it's only been 4 weeks, but I do plan on sit-ups and running up and down my stairs in my house to get rid of the little belly bump.
Back to the title. While I was shopping, I realized I shop strictly in the Juniors section. At 27, am I too old. The Misses dept. seems to have clothes that are too, well, I don't know, not young. But when do you stop shopping in the Junior's dept. I did before because that's the only clothes that I could find to fit. With my new found hips, I might can wear some Misses stuff, or even the Petite stuff since I'm kinda short.
This got me thinking.
When are you too old to:
- Eat Fruit Loops and Cap'n Crunch (not only for breakfast but for any meal)
- Eat chocolate pudding in the snack pack
- Eat popsicles (cuz you know I love me some popsicles)
- Call your momma when your sick
- Wear pick fuzzy slippers (no, I'm not wearing them now...wink, wink)
- Get middle school silly with your best friend
- I do know that I am too old to be reading Cosmo magazine (you almost have to be a college slut to read that magazine)-sorry, hope I didn't offend anyone.
That's all I can think of right now. Anybody else have anything you do that you question whether or not you are too old?
I have the same problem when I shop for clothes. The misses section will STILL be too big sometimes. The juniors section will be too young. It's frustrating.
As for everything else, I don't think we will ever be too old for any of it. : )
Blue Angel, At
2:27 PM
I still shop in the juniors section too. Although, some of that stuff is just can't pull off, because I am too old. The misses department seems too old for me.
I don't think your ever too old for any of that other stuff!!
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
2:57 PM
NEVER TOO OLD.. to do 90% of those things.. well, not me at least..
What The Hell Is This?, At
3:30 PM
Umm, so yeah...I love you and Blue Angel and Rachel, but now knowing how tiny you all are...I'm thinking I want to shove cake down your throats. My size 7 MAYBE a 9 means I am H-U-G-E! I shop in the Junior's dept. 'cause a) I HATE what's in the Misses section and b) none of it fits right.
As for the other stuff: there's a chance I am wearing fuzzy pink slippers right now; I had Lucky Charms for dinner and I call my Mom when I'm sick and whine to her. Middle school silly? NEVER too old.
Seriously...a size 1 or 3? NOW a FIVE a month AFTER having a HUMAN!! Good Lord...guess I should go eat a leaf of lettuce or something :)
Anonymous, At
7:24 PM
I don't know about the shopping issue. I just pick stuff up wherever I find it. Misses/Juniors sections be damned. And all that other stuff? Had to check everything on that list. And the fuzzy pink slippers have sparkles. Meh, they go well with the purple poodle pjs.
It's Kimpossible!, At
9:13 AM
I shop in the juniors as well. And I have to say I think I threw up in my mouth a little, because I would love to be in a size 5. I would look sick, but my gmaw always said you have to suffer to be beautiful!
But, I know, I know, I was the same way and still am. It is such a shock to be one way for so long and then your entire self changes after 9 months! I am still trying to get off the baby weight after 2 years. Don't let me scare ya, it was just that for about the first year I could have cared less, but now...I wanna be HOT again! hehe
I was wearing 6-8's-now? *drumroll* a 13(In Juniors)!! Blahhhh Can't believe I just admitted that!
Sorry so long!
oh, and I could eat a whole box of Fruity Pebbles right now. (hence the size 13's)
Little Miss, At
4:40 PM
Your never too old for ANYTHING!! Except if you can only find those middrift shirts...but you don't sound like the type...they have cute clothes in the junior I say if they fit and you like the clothes..go for it! As for the rest...never ever too old!! Oh yeah..hehe I am 30 and I do read the Cosmo magazine!! The magazine cracks me up!! I can't help it...
Kelly, At
8:13 PM
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