More baby talk
Seriously, I know y'all are getting tired of the short posts, but I usually sit down at the computer after I get home from work and my legs and back ache. So, I don't feel much like chatting it up. Again, seriously, next week I'll be well rested. Why? BECAUSE FRIDAY IS MY LAST DAY OF WORK!!!! As in tomorrow, as in Jan. 5!!! By 7:00 pm, I will be a lady of leisure for awhile. Maybe Mr. S should take my checkcard....
Had a doctor's appointment today. All is still well. Am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Yea, my sister failed to mention that the doc checking my cervix would hurt like a bitch. She made me have a contraction. Yea, that didn't feel good. Now I know that is what it was in the middle of the night a few nights ago.
I am starting to freak out about the whole delivering this child issue. I like to plan, and not knowing is driving me crazy.
I would like to formally ask for ANY and all advice you mommies out there have for me. What do I need to pack for the hospital? Will I know when it is time to go to the hospital? Any and every piece of wisdom is welcomed. Seriously freaking out and about to cry about it.
Had a doctor's appointment today. All is still well. Am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Yea, my sister failed to mention that the doc checking my cervix would hurt like a bitch. She made me have a contraction. Yea, that didn't feel good. Now I know that is what it was in the middle of the night a few nights ago.
I am starting to freak out about the whole delivering this child issue. I like to plan, and not knowing is driving me crazy.
I would like to formally ask for ANY and all advice you mommies out there have for me. What do I need to pack for the hospital? Will I know when it is time to go to the hospital? Any and every piece of wisdom is welcomed. Seriously freaking out and about to cry about it.
I found your blog from the Babes in Blogland. I'm due in May.
First, stop letting the docs do internals! I refused them all last time (this is #3). They tell you NOTHING and hurt, as you know now.
You can be 3cm and not go into labor for a week, and you can have a totally closed cervix and go into labor on the way from the appointment.
All they do it hurt. On that topic, yeah, labor is painful. Have you ever stretched by touching your toes? Ok, before pregnancy? You know how that hurts? Now stretch that extra bit that really hurts. Labor is like that second pain (for a related reason) and trying to keep the rest of you relaxed and your brain on something else can help.
I don't know if that helped but best of luck!
Anonymous, At
11:09 PM
#2. Once you get that, you won't care how many times they check you, etc.
#3. Just try to relax. Everything will be fine and it will all be a blur once you've had her.
Anonymous, At
8:26 AM
First off.. let the doc do internals.. CJ is nuts... they can hurt, but the more you relax, the less they hurt.
Epidural is a must... i was going to 'not get one' with Gavin, but I love the fact I got it because I was able to enjoy Gavin coming into the world...
Will you know when it is time.. probably not, but it is ok.. you now know what contractions feel like and when you have one, time them... and clearly, if your water breaks... but I am here to tell you.. most of the time the doc will do an internal, see you are 4-5 cm and put you in...
Call me if you need.
What The Hell Is This?, At
8:32 AM
It's normal to freak out. The internal exam never gets any better. Also, one thing about the contractions is that, once the baby is born, they stop and so does the pain from them. Now there will be some pain in other areas, lol, but nothing compared, trust me. I had a natural birth with my first and an epidural (then and emergency c-section) with Alyssa. You honestly won't need much at the hospital, they will have diapers, formula, pacifiers, wipes, everything except the clothes that she goes home in. Just pack stuff to keep yourself comfortable.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
11:26 AM
first of all, let me say that i love your blog! I gave birth to my child 10 weeks ago and I just started back to work this week. it was pretty heart-breaking to leave my boy! Anyway, i, too, am a planner. Having a child is a giant lesson in patience and learning to let a higher power take over. You will know when it's time to go! You will know! It's hard to explain, but if you time your contractions and you listen to that budding mommy intuition, you'll know. You're feelings are completely normal! And yes, get the epidural. Because i am a planner, i had a laundry list of things to pack for the hospital. Two things I couldn't have done w/o: 1) a plug-in air freshner for my recovery room and my own giant granny panties. I also packed snacks for my husband so he would have no reason to leave my side. Pack some carmex and the baby book, too!
Anonymous, At
1:26 PM
Try to calm down sister. I know it's hard but it'll all be over soon and there isn't a darn thing you can do to prepare yourself for what is about to happen. That's the scary part.
My advice? Epi-i-dur-al!!!!!!! That thing is a slice of heaven right here on earth. Nothing will hurt after you get that thing.
Try not to overpack for the hospital. You'll want as few things as possible to have to worry about bringing home. Make sure you have a pair of comfy pj's and comfy clothes to go home in. Make sure Dave has a change of clothes and clean underwear. Make sure Ryan has something to wear home. Rachel was right in saying that the hospital will have pretty much everything else you'll need and you are paying for it anyway so use it! Maybe pack a few extra burp clothes. Oh, and a pair of socks for you in case your feet get cold.
You will know when it's time to go. Trust me. When those contractions get close enough together for them to admit you, you WILL feel them and WILL be able to time them. At that time you'll need to go. If you are still to early in labor, they'll send you home. NO harm, no foul. I did it with Silly Girl. Call me if you need anything!!!
Silly Hily, At
3:58 PM
I love you!!
Blue Angel, At
4:19 PM
I mean that BEFORE you go into labor don't let them stick their hand up you for no good reason. And there is no good reason. Plus it hurts. You can end up with like 4 or 5 internals before labor ever gets around to starting. No way.
Once labor starts, sure, internals are part of what you have to suffer through.
Anonymous, At
11:00 PM
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