Donuts or Doughnuts?
Pregnant or not, I lurve me some glazed donuts. Warm Krispy Kreme ones.....oh, can't you just taste them. Anyway, last week I woke up to a note and some donuts in the kitchen. Let me just start by saying how wonderful Mr. S is. I really can't complain....except maybe the restless leg syndrom that sometimes wakes me up or the occasional snore or the...kidding. That's only a problem on the weekends. As you know, Mr. S works nights. That's all I've ever known with him, so I'm used to it. But, when he takes off a few days, I do get used to hime being home at night with me. This happened about a week ago. He decided to take a long weekend to relax and play some golf. And though it throws my routine off, I love him being home. I was also off 3 out of the 4 days he was, so I got to see him alot. I love being around him. I don't get tired of him and never "wish he would go play golf to get him out of the house." Well, that Tuesday night, he went back to work, and so did I. I always call him either on the way home from work or when I get home. So, Tuesday was no different. Except he happened to be busy with an employee when I called, and couldn't really talk. I, being selfish, wanted him to talk to me. So, he got rid of the employee and came back with an "Ok, I'm all yours now." Well, I guess I was tired or irritable, because it hurt my feelings. Usually, I'm very understanding when it comes to him being at work. He's at BUT, I was missing him cause he had been at home the past 4 nights. He didn't mean to hurt my feelings, and I was irrational for letting it. So, to make up for it, he stopped and got some glazed donuts for me for breakfast, with a note attached saying "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings." Geez, that made me feel even worse, because I was the one that was being stupid. But, you better believe I ate those donuts and loved every bite!
So, that's my story for the day.
So, that's my story for the day.
Mr. S is the best!!!
Anonymous, At
6:20 PM
That's such a sweet story and damn those pregnancy hormones, lol.
Rachel (Crazy-Is), At
9:37 AM
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