I like Aubrey Michelle the best. Ashlyn is pretty too, but will probably always be confused with Ashley. Whitley reminds me of the girl from A Different World, but it's cute.
I'm a new mommy to a baby girl born Jan. 2007 and lucky wife to a wonderful man I married in March 2001. I love my dysfunctional family and wild and crazy friends, and can't imagine life without them.
I like Aubrey Michelle the best. Ashlyn is pretty too, but will probably always be confused with Ashley. Whitley reminds me of the girl from A Different World, but it's cute.
Anonymous, At
8:20 AM
I like Aubrey Michelle.
Whitley reminds me of a different world, too.
Anonymous, At
9:53 AM
My vote is for Aubrey Michelle. My new second cousin is named Aubrey and she's the cutest thing ever.
takinchances, At
2:30 PM
I like them all, but I have to agree with the rest. Whitley reminds me of A Different World. Aubrey Michelle is a beautiful name.
It's Kimpossible!, At
4:09 PM
My two are Aubrey and Ashlyn.. Aubrey is my favorite too.. Good job Mr. and Mrs. S
BTW, you need to put up another belly shot and show everyone how cute you are... SHE IS ADORABLE..
What The Hell Is This?, At
8:39 AM
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